
@avclub-fcd67bb244611a3cc596ee284ed24253:disqus "never seen Parks & Rec" 
I felt like Penny after hearing "elope".

and anal rape

I don't see how can anyone consider this season of Parks and Rec worse than the 4th. I just can't. The 4th season was a big bunch of missed opportunities and episodes being barely saved from the election storyline clusterf*** by great performances, mixed with a few true classics. This one has been much closer to

@avclub-438f54f8c5a3a6f58ce5a69d37294fe9:disqus As far as I know, this season was not intended to be its last in any way.

Yeah, because no show got back from its low to have a great last season, right?

I doubt it won't, the show has been outperforming most stuff on NBC for some time now (including 30 rock, by a wide margin).

this better be the longest f***ing review this website has ever seen, full with epilogues, quotes, pictures, music, gimmicks and special guests

Talking about shows that actually have feelings involved, imagine when Parks and Rec ends. Just imagine.

I love how you count as "maybe" an album that is clearly days away from being released

Make that three

The first season is consistent with that, getting only a little lighter, but the second season has been way lighter so far. Even the drama is lighter right now.

Well, it's not like we're really out of real Arrested Development notifications lately anyway.

This is the one track on this album I still can hear without cringing. But from the headline, I was hoping they were talking about some track from the EPs they released before Parachutes, which are actually solid.

NOTHING beats Shonen Knife's When You Sleep.

I bet he says to himself each morning, "I'll get stuff done today" and then spends 3 weeks trying to come up with the name for a 0:45 interlude contained inside another track.

Crash doesn't count as an example. For anything. Ever.

Oh, that strange period when they became a Nancy Sinatra's cover band.

ROF as a 7/10 is kinda harsh. It was a good album, just not as remarkable as Is This It.

We have something in Brazil called Tecnobrega, which is a very popular genre in part of the county and somewhat popular everywhere else (with general audiences, not really Strokes' target audience). This song sounds extremely like it. Local media is all over it, and it has been fun watching people trying to describe

Nah, nothing beats Better Off Ted.