
Nah, nothing beats Better Off Ted.

Nah, nothing beats Better Off Ted.

I love how the slave money auction describes it as "Colorful w/ SLAVES!"

Why hate the Youtube Commenter Boy? Because he's probably a smug self-righteous close-minded annoyance. And I don't care the least if he's listening to Bieber, as long as he doesn't get the illusion that his taste is better than anyone else's.

Nah, that's way too easy to cover. The real right answer is Life During Wartime.

Ahh, that's the American Dream.

George Michael. Every time.

I don't know… only one song? I Am a Scientist or Game of Pricks would be obvious choices, but I'd choose I Am a Tree over Glad Girls.

Oh, I do look hard

He has no accent when dubbed, tho :(

Their album/active year ratio is 0.8 right now… and I doubt they'll stop before hitting that 1.0 mark.

There's actually a children's cartoon on Discovery Kids/The Hub called Louie.

See Todd? Like this guy above me!

Why is it that Girls is at its best when it's calling out all the bullshit going on?

She was awful during most of her episodes, but now it's clear she had a purpose, and she's being very well used right now. It's a shame she was so wasted until this episode tho.

I bet NBC fired them as a downsize measure during the rough times called "last season".

You'd miss some plots about Liz having her own show, which are actually good, and some plots about her sucking at relationships, which are really awful and they should be ashamed of ever doing it.

Because that's a minor point compared to the fact that most episodes were very funny and well written?

I loved that line because it means the show pays attention to what has happened on it. I hate when shows like this tend to hit a reset button so hard that it's like no one can even remember past characters and events, and every callback is so generic and out of context that it's not as much a callback as it is a