
1. They implied she was gay, not bisexual. He said the reason the sex was not great: she didn't seem into it. It's like complaining about the way they portray Max and Penny's relationship.

It is on youtube, you know

I've been watching season 2 lately in syndication and I can affirm, it is as good as people remember it. Not a single lost episode. Not a single empty joke.


@avclub-ca8e4b363f85fdb30c00a0ad943cf6f4:disqus In English "bad" is worse than "mediocre"? Serious question.

Maybe he's thinking of the wrong season? I don't know… I don't think 30 rock ever got any lower than freaking Sun Tea.

This episode was on TV 2 hours ago. Weird.

This episode was on TV 2 hours ago. Weird.

This episode was on TV 2 hours ago. Weird.

This episode was on TV 2 hours ago. Weird.

I've been waiting for this show for almost a year, and now it has began and I missed it. Damn.

Yeah, the only horrible one was the 8th, but the 6th was really bad, the 7th was bad outside of the whole Micheal farewell thing, and seasons 5 and 9 are just average.

There's a Brazilian journalist I follow on twitter who is a Globe voter. From her tweets, it's pretty clear the HFPA is a little club for cherry-picked friends whose opinions seem to matter for some reason other than merit. She voted mostly differently from the winners, but her comments imply most of their colleagues

@avclub-a2bd92a4b5b334a8ad8d381dd31bd4c5:disqus you're right, it was a Top 20 hit in the U.K., but not elsewhere.

Well, yeah, because it's not a new buzzing sound, neither an old deep-cut. It's a relatively well-known song which was a minor hit back in its days.

I really love this song, but this recommendation just felt kinda… random. Out of nowhere.

I liked the track actually, it's solid, even if not as engaging as any of the singles out of FutureSex, but that intro was simply unnecessary. Here hoping he drops it in the album, or at least gives it some context.

I watched that episode months ago, and although it's not that clear in my head anymore, I remember that I thought ABC was right in benching this episode, because it was pretty bad. Together with the fact that the bar has been clearly raised this season, I'm surprised this even got a B+.

I don't think any of the two even care at this point.

It isn't. It just isn't. The Golden Globes are a joke, even for award shows.
That said, I'm still happy the show got it. Lena's acting award tho, not so much.