
So, it just got a Golden Globe. Let's talk about this?

No, in the alternate universe Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Ryan Gosling… and Ryan Gosling is Joseph Gordon-Levitt!

And since people who doesn't know who he is outside the show do not even realize he's gay.

I kinda miss him to be honest. Or the balance his cynicism gave to the show, I'm not sure which.

So there are states that are not actually states? Why the hell is American political geography so complicated?? *scratches head in confusion*

she's 9 now, and was 7 when the movie was filmed, ya douche

haha I remember this entire exchange so clearly it's scary

Can we just have a thread where people quote Newsradio endlessly?

The funny (sad) thing is, it could have been big here too. The show has been on Brazilian television for 2 years and I never found out about it because they renamed it "Government" (yeah, in English) for some reason and so I wrote it off as some generic basic cable import.

I'd say Borgen. Fantastic Danish political drama. It would be so popular if it was from the U.S. or the U.K.

"you're staying with one character, while other cast members appear in smaller roles"

"you don't see ALL together" doesn't mean there won't be scenes where more than one character plus Michael appear

You people are freaking out way too soon. It's not like the characters won't appear together, they will, it seems like the only difference is that one of them will be focused on each episode, and the rest will be supporting characters in it. And like any supporting character ever, they'll not be in every episode.

He can claim this is like that for artistic reasons as long as he wants. For me, it will always be an attempt to lure people into thinking this is a "Heroes" reissue.

now THAT's some good ol' A.V.Club-ready humour I can get behind!

what they had then, slightly gay sex?

"There's any chance that Liberace had a crossdressing phase where he was a hot chick with gigantic knockers? No? Well, could you make up one, then?"

That was some serious teenager-facebook-page tier humour.

Have you seen any episodes of the 4th season? No? How can you affirm that, then?

A friend of mine once liked a ton of gay porn by accident (he thought he was clicking on a "save for later" button), so it showed in the newsfeed of everyone he knew. It was fun seeing everyone logging out of the facebook chat instantly. Also, now I know he has a thing for Asians.