
"what is an indie kid doing listening to Kanye?"

Beat me to it. It's the right amount of gay. Too much and it feels like an inside joke, too little and it's regular rap.

Now that's a gimmicky commentator I can get behind! …wait

But it wasn't really a highly anticipated album, since no one knew about it when the year started… unless you're only taking into account the 2 months between its announcement and release.

But it wasn't really a highly anticipated album, since no one knew about it when the year started… unless you're only taking into account the 2 months between its announcement and release.

They say iRobs are better than regular Robs, but I think they're just overpriced and more limited.

They say iRobs are better than regular Robs, but I think they're just overpriced and more limited.

The Newsroom has its (lots of) flaws, but read that list again and come back. There's no way it is as bad as anything on that list. Newsroom may be as preachy, single minded and unfocused as it gets, but none of the shows on that list is even good enough to be able to have those flaws, since they don't have a voice,

The Newsroom has its (lots of) flaws, but read that list again and come back. There's no way it is as bad as anything on that list. Newsroom may be as preachy, single minded and unfocused as it gets, but none of the shows on that list is even good enough to be able to have those flaws, since they don't have a voice,

Every time people say something bad about Girls or Veep here, a part of me dies.

Every time people say something bad about Girls or Veep here, a part of me dies.

@avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus The fucking "th" is so damn hard to pronounce if you're not a native speaker… it will necessarily sound like a "f" or a "d" or a "t". And it's hard to tell the difference too. I'm now just used to see if there's tongue showing to tell it apart, since it sounds the same

@avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus The fucking "th" is so damn hard to pronounce if you're not a native speaker… it will necessarily sound like a "f" or a "d" or a "t". And it's hard to tell the difference too. I'm now just used to see if there's tongue showing to tell it apart, since it sounds the same

I haven't watch a lot of the movies listed by everybody yet, like The Master, Zero Dark Thirty or Silver Lining Playbook. But, from the ones I've seen, Looper blows everything out of the water. It simply got me completely off guard. I was expecting a solid science-fiction action pic, got a character exploration with

I haven't watch a lot of the movies listed by everybody yet, like The Master, Zero Dark Thirty or Silver Lining Playbook. But, from the ones I've seen, Looper blows everything out of the water. It simply got me completely off guard. I was expecting a solid science-fiction action pic, got a character exploration with

Because when people complain about "blippity-blopty" they usually come from there. Jazz snobs would probably say "not enough chords" or something like it.

Because when people complain about "blippity-blopty" they usually come from there. Jazz snobs would probably say "not enough chords" or something like it.

I believe it was one Noel Gallagher who once wisely said "YOU AN I A' GONNA LIVE FO EVAH"

I believe it was one Noel Gallagher who once wisely said "YOU AN I A' GONNA LIVE FO EVAH"

Because everybody knows it's not a classic if it hasn't a 7-minute-long, look-at-me-I-can-play-guitar fret masturbation.