
This makes total sense of course. You wouldn’t drive a Bronco the same way you’d drive a Mustang.

Radically changing the work requirements without fixing the infrastructure of both parking and the office environment is just stupid but in this case is, to be punny, par for the course of this Administration.

I too like when my car shows use via dirt and grime like the recent 700 mile roundtrip ski weekend to upstate NY. Car left NYC area clean but with this weekends snow and tons of salt thrown down and couple jaunts down unpaved roads, the once clean pearl white car is now a salty shade of grimey. Of course I take equal

luckily no ones broken into any of my vehicles in ages. The only thing that randomly happens in my neighborhood is people getting into unlocked cars (mine are never unlocked) and taking random crap. Again, I prefer not to tempt. My wife’s even worse than me as she grew up in Queens NY during the bad old 70's/80's.

When my daughter was younger we actually got a stand alone dvd player that hung off the seat in front of her with a set of headphones. That worked for a long time and it predated Carplay.  She hasn’t changed though, now when she’s a passenger she has her phone and headphones listening to music thus tuning US out.

Funny thing is I had and have plugged my own tires for years and this tire seemed to have a weird slow leak that I couldn’t locate so I said, fine I’ll use flat fix to cure it.  When the shop finally took it off the reason it was leaking was apparent, the steel wheel had a lot of rust along the bead that was allowing

I’d recommend you never ever experience it or you might be totally tempted.

Yeah I’ve seen them, but I’m always weary of having something in the car that looks easy enough to smash and grab... Throw back to my days in the 80's in NYC where anything was fair game for stealing.

Nice deal. My 14 Focus being the Titanium had all the bells and whistles. Whats interesting is that it had more creature comforts / features than our old 99 BMW 328i.  Two very different cars for sure, but that decade made a huge difference.

Just before I sold my 09 Audi S5 I looked into it. It was either a swap of the MMI screen or a stand alone tablet thing. I would have done the MMI Screen swap but @ $300+ and the PIA of doing it I opted not. I didn’t like the stand alone tablet thing as it looked too clunky and obstructed some of the dash.

In the hands of a good operator, those things (and really all heavy equipment) make that money back very quickly.  They’re losing money when they’re just sitting idle.

I was in this boat in 2020 and bought a 2014 Focus Titanium, which except for Apple carplay, generally had all the features and styling for what I needed then and even now (though truth be told, its now my daughter’s).

How about the Bronco Sport? I mean its based on the Escape but is probably close to the size of the original.  Why not go whole hog and drop it on a frame and 4x4 chassis.

The Buick Roadmaster wagon was already have way there, so easy to get it all jacked up.

Eons ago a coworker of mine was quasi infatuated with law enforcement and Miami Vice (I said eons ago). He got himself a used Impala, put the cop dog dishes on them, big trunk antenna, “MIAMI1" on his license plate and blacked out the windows. He would tell us how he’d intimidate or use the ruse that he looked like a

I wait till they throw spike sticks at me, then I know they’re for real

One caution on the fix a flat or similar products. I used it on one of my cars years ago in the dead of winter. Sure it fixed the leak, but the fluid that remained that did not seal anything froze which would then give me odd vibrations from that rear tire as if it were unbalanced which it essentially was. When I


45 was the low bar... He’s just conga’d under that bar.

Now playing

Cool swap.  Still like the OG Espace/F1 though.