
The trackpads work perfectly for mouse controlled games in my opinion, plus the turn based aspect circumvents the learning curve of the trackpad.

You got that right AJM!

Well said!

I said it above but this country was damned after Sandy Hook.  How we could have seen that many young children killed and did fucking nothing about gun control?  I want to hope that this shooting forces change but it won’t.  These shootings are not happening at the private schools our law makers send their kids

how do you sleep at night?

Well, you’re right, but cops are also “muhtasib” (Islam happens to have a specific name for them, and more openly uses such forces, but it sure ain’t only Islam!) and the sometimes more, sometimes less casual enforcers of whatever the wealthy’s current ideas of “morality” are (for the not-wealthy - privilege means the

There’s already police too. I’m talking about police, not gun laws. I think if you read my post in good faith, rather than looking to nitpick your way to an idiotic fight, you can see clearly that what I’m talking about are the questions this video raises about the role of police in our society. I wasn’t purporting to

So abolishing the police while keeping relaxed gun laws

Might be the most accurate and socially aware thing Michael Bay ever produced.

Do you have a plan, then, to fill that void?

Which basically then means that they can machinate a desired result if society (on at least a micro-level, wants someone (or a demographic of someones) gone.

Here’s the problem:  At some point, they just are going to have to shoot the rest of us, or the day is coming that the rich’s property is going up -- and, facts be facts, it appears to be happening on a targeted and increased basis lately that the rich are being robbed and worse.

Cops exist to protect property, not lives or freedom or any other bullshit they claim, not even elementary school kids trapped in their school with a mass shooter. They’re the enforcement arm of our dictatorship of the wealthy, nothing more, nothing less. They’ll kill you for stealing a pack of Pokémon cards or

I’m Australian and work in mental health. Since 2018 when I started, I’ve yet to have an issue with the police’s handling of mental health emergencies in terms of their bringing people in and we’re talking at least several dozen to over 100 people in my experience. Not saying there’s zero cases of adverse events but

There’s a reason for the dark “joke”:

I adminned a large fb group for a few years and one time a member in Australia made a couple posts indicating they were imminently going to kill themselves and we went through the normal fb channels as fast as possible but I wanted to do as much as I could so I tried to contact authorities in Australia, and it was a

And you also have to remember the system doesn’t want to help the person — all they want is for the behavior that got them put in the system stopped and all parties deemed bothered/harassed to have the person go the fuck away.

And there’s an answer to that question too: Their God is a vengeful God. (Isaiah 35:4)