
That just makes it even fucking WORSE. I mean, how many of the Republican Death Points get checked off on just those two sacrifices to the Holy Altar of Guns?

I used to think that until politicians started getting gunned down ... they would do nothing. Now it’s “rich old white dudes”.


Remember Rick Santorum’s solution to mass shootings?

This country has an appetite for self-destruction. Be it climate change, sensible gun legislation, abortion access, funding for childhood programs, or a social safety net, we just do not care. It’s weaved into our very culture of hyper-individualism and reverence for violence as a means of resolving problems. It’s

Any chance that hateful losers like “kyle james” here could be shown the door? I don’t know what mental illness compels him to spend time here, but perhaps he should be encouraged to go play outside.

I shudder to imagine how terrifying a sequel featuring Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis trying to navigate Florida’s completely crippled system would be. There are legit horror stories about people trying and failing for MONTHS to even speak to someone.

Right wing memes today are weirdos flying “Let’s Go Brandon!/Fuck Joe Biden!” flags from their pickumup trucks or putting “I did that” stickers on gas pumps. At least where I live. Just wait and you’ll see “Baby Yoda” memes from these doofuses.

This is so unfortunately true, and it makes me feel so hopeless at times. I don’t mean to “both sides” this when I say it, because the right is so much more stupid and cruel, but people in general respond to simple messaging (which is something the democrats still haven’t figured out, as their messaging is all over

What a farce.

I’m just waiting for Zombie-Maga.

Matt Gaetz with a child.

It’s even dumber than that: it’s a shitpost meme circus using a shitfuck of red and glowing laser eyes to imply that when Trump gets re-elected in 2024 he’s going to Homelander laser eyes all the liberals and undesirables.

I’m pretty sure Matt Gaetz is the evil twin, having eaten his good twin in the womb.

I assume he’s talking about something like the time Norman Osborn created his Dark Avengers with supervillain versions of the regular Avengers and tried to pretend they were the good guys, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how that differs from regular MAGA. Like, what’s the supervillain version of Matt Gaetz?

Nah, he’s been supervillain tier AT LEAST since he became a flamethrower arms dealer

Yeah, they’d have to take care of that before he could be President.

Oh man, this really takes me back to the time my dad sent me a camera for my birthday and my mom was like “okay, so is he going to pay for the batteries, the film, and the development costs, too?”

I’m really, really glad someone else also had this thought. It’s easy to get a horse for free these days, with the recession and everything, because it’s the *care* that people can’t afford.