
Not disputing that the joke has an audience, but the joke says “before your parents even knew how to make you,” not “before your parents made you.” Most people learn how babies are made between the ages of, what, 8 to 14? But that’s not a super common age to actually give birth. So you need to tack on a bunch of years

Not postive it’s what rogueIndy meant, but usually people know how to make a baby for, like, A WHILE before they make one. There are definitely statistical outliers, but I think by 12 or 13 most kids in western countries know how babies are made, but that’s not the age that the majority of them conceive.

HelloGames Studio kinda lucky they having Sony full backing. Plus 7 years ago players seems more forgiving. If they were full financial independent, pretty sure we gonna read the studio folded shortly after NMS shenanigans back then. Instead of them announcing a new game in this year’s TGA.

You’re not wrong that there are easier ways to scam money in this industry. The thing is, most of them are known and people actively watch for them. There are dedicated subreddits dedicated to some of the scams you mentioned. Doing what they did is way harder, much riskier, and I’m not saying with 100% certainty that

You know whats funny, everything you are describing is what that Docuseries on Hulu: “The Dropout” is about... there are very real legal implications for overpromising something without being able to deliver once money has been exchanged.

Surely they’ve known for months if not years that the game they’ve been marketing as an open world MMO was going to be released, at least initially, as a bare-bones extraction shooter. Given that pre-existing knowledge, did they make any effort to be open with players about what the game would consist of once they

I haven’t really followed this whole saga outside of a few articles here and there, but from what I gather, the trailers they released appear to, if we give them the benefit of the doubt, been aspirational for what they hoped the game could maybe be one day, rather than, you know, what a trailer actually should be,

Wait, so now you’re telling me that the “volunteers” who worked on this in exchange for a Steam code for a game that’s going to remain in a barren alpha state for the what, like, two months that the servers stay up before disappearing forever weren’t fairly compensated for their labor??? Outrageous!!!

Let me dumb it down for you.

Saying the n-word as a kid because your parents say it is racist.

This isn’t rocket science.

The commenters from the other thread.

Hell, in the context of the f word, calling them a p*say is homophobic too. Even by homophobe standards he was remarkably efficient in how much he got in there that fast. Crazy how all of it was just an oopsie doopsie goof up. Dude apparently just slipped into a homophobic fugue state or some shit

Weird how in that other thread everyone is arguing about whether the CoD guy may have ever used the word casually in his everyday life without noting that like ten words before the f word, he literally used the phrase “you suck dick” as a synonym for being bad at something, directed at the same person he called that

Huh. It never occurred to me that there could be racist/xenophobic connotation with it, but now that I actually think about it I can easily see the problem with associating a type of anything with a country/nationality/ethnicity, particularly when the thing isn’t solely made by that group and that group also makes

It’s annoying how few people seem to know that Armored Core is From’s longest-running series, and it’s downright disturbing how many people think From’s first game ever was Dark Souls.

I played the crap out of AC2 but never really went back since. Now might be the time to get back into the series.

Tabs are the primary way Steams algorithm suggests games you may like. So people who like games with sexual content may get suggested Armored Core and people who like Armored Core may get suggestions for sexual content games. 

The Sexual Content is one of the tags that has a dedicated filter setting I believe.

My first instinct was to ask why the tags matter because who the hell is going to buy Armored Core VI without knowing exactly what they’re getting into, but then I remembered that From is a LOT bigger/more notable today then they were when Armored Core V came out, and I’m sure this will be a ton of people’s first

Counterpoint: if you read it as a comedy (granted, in a laughing at it, not with it kind of way), that’s the funniest shit I’ve seen so far this year. Although in an ideal world faze clan would all get jokerized and have dialogue about living in a society