
Hell, sometimes they are taken to fucking Burger King by the police as a reward for shooting up a church full of black people.

Literally every other wealthy country in the world.

I don’t need to be a chef to know when food tastes like shit.

Hello Englishman,

“there are only two ways this can go”

Haha, this Grade A shitbag actually wrote this

You’re only required to state your name and place of residence if DETAINED, not show your ID (unless you’re operating a motor vehicle, then you have to show your license). Know your rights (the few that remain), bootlicker.

This motherfucker is now defending the murdering pig who was convicted

This whole thing where you’ve decided that it’s the victims of cop violence who had a choice is cute.

Love when the cops scream contradictory “commands” into my face while crushing my throat

Lol white people dreamworld

Well if cops would stop MURDERING for a change.

Lol fuck you for the victim blaming.

“I’m simply explaining that when dealing with cops, the best action is to avoid escalation and comply with police commands. If everyone did this, the vast majority of cop-related killings wouldn’t have happened.”

Excluded middle. Try again (maybe without attributing claims to me that I don’t support).

Oh fuck off. Cops kill unresisting black people all the fucking time. For having a bad tail light and other stupid petty shit. Not for killing a whole baseball team of people, like this guy.

And then they all go out for Burger King!

I´m an Englishman living in Germany and both England and Germany have a very different style of policing to the US or so it seems.

I felt this post on so many levels.