
Black ppl who comply get killed anyways. 

If the [white] suspect complies with police commands and doesn’t put up any physical resistance, the cops don’t feel any need to exert force beyond handcuffing him and putting him in a cop car. When you don’t comply with police commands and physically resist arrest, your chances of being killed by cops rises

If you’re a coward, don’t become a cop. The police are supposed to protect the people, not shoot them because they’re afraid a cell phone might actually be a gun.

Let me know how much you feel like complying when someone is kneeling on your neck blocking your ability to breathe and signaling with every faculty at their capacity that they do not have your safety or well-being in their heart

I mean, it’s common sense in a authoritarian police state where the police can brutalize people with total impunity (good luck with your lawyer achieving anything), which I guess is what you’re saying the US is.

I too think boots are delicious.

Well if they don’t bring them in alive, how are they supposed to buy them free hamburgers?

Yea, I was thinking something similar. How the hell do they always take this assh0les alive. Fucking cowards always shoot unarmed civilians and then surrender immediately to the police without a fight.

No, they can not stop with that if they do not wish to be sued for libel. Yes, he definitely did this crime, we can say that, but if they as a news source say that and he gets a mistrial resulting in his innocence, he can profit off of that mistake. I’d rather they say alleged and come off as cowards than potentially

It has nothing to do with integrity and everything with not getting sued. - journalism major

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

I’m sorry for your losses. You are right. A lot of people are going to get hurt because they bought into the hype and didn’t do their due diligence. You are right, the vast majority of those NFTs are worthless and those people aren’t going to see that money again. I shouldn’t mock so much. I am confident in my crypto

Now we just need to figure out how to add the ncaa to this deathmatch as well 

Absolutely this. I live in Indiana and had to google search to figure out where the hell this tiny town was even at. There is a 0.0% chance that anyone in that town was unaware that there was a murderer on the ballot; additionally, it has been all over Indianapolis news, so...

Right? In what universe could we assume that most people weren’t well aware of a scandal like this? Even in a big city, word would get around. In a small town or rural area? I guarantee everybody knows.

20 years ago NFT adjacents were: Thomas Kincaide paintings (for just 100. extra we have an art student add fake brushstrokes to a machine print that will add to resale value!) Capodimonte on QVC (always gaining value!) Handpainted plates from magazine ads (‘this similar plate now worth 3-4x’) etc..

I don’t understand how those stupid worthless monkey pictures now have a valuation of over 4 billion dollars. Please explain it all to me. I am such an idiot.

I have a lot of trouble recognizing and acknowledging my successes and my therapist recommended that I put more effort into celebrating them when they happen. It’s important to always take time for self care

Yup. There’s a generation of socially maladjusted, terminally online people who grew up with 4Chan and online trolling boards who all learned, like the literal thousand monkeys banging on a typewriter, how to be the most obnoxious they can be online... and they never emotionally developed beyond that. They just repeat

“Man Kotaku sure loves bashing Crypto for clicks!” they say unironically, taking the time to reply to literally everyone who has a single negative word about crypto and thus puff the engagement numbers.