
“I’m doing my own research over here, I don’t believe the evidence in front of me

Literally everything republicans claim to hold dear they can be shown to be massive hypocrites about.

As much as I agree with this sentiment in a vacuum, and could not possibly care less what happens to scammers, the problem is as scams grow, they eventually reach a point where they’re not viewed as a scam anymore. They gain legitimacy, legal protections, hell, they can even become fundamental institutions. For the

are you saying all of the gil I’ve saved up in Final Fantasy over the past 20 years is worthless!? I’m shocked! SHOCKED!

I disagree, circus animals have redeeming qualities.  Crypto chuds don’t.

This is the most helpful crypto explainer I’ve ever read

Lemme translate this for everyone:

I could provide proof but what is the point? It would fall on deaf ears.”

“I have no actual proof of anything, and none has ever actually been discovered or shared, but if I think REALLY HARD that is has it’s almost like the same thing”


Final Fantasy had ChocoboCoin

You can always tell when a game is going to be a real classic because it reached that point in the development cycle where the makers realized they needed to mint a brand new cryptocurrency for the game’s economy to function. Mario had KoopaCoin, Final Fantasy had ChocoboCoin, and now ApeCoin joins that proud lineage.

Big if true

Called it lol. Crypto dork with a Tombstone-reference screen name started their own thread below to talk about Kotaku’s crypto coverage. They’re as predictable as the hot new crypto venture turning out to be giant Kafkaesque scam lmao

Oh yeah, I saw that guy in a previous thread who was trying to use the metaphor of how NFTs are a new kind of shovel to solve a new problem that old shovels can’t fix... and then ghosted when people asked him to explain what the new problem was that needed fixing.

Crypto isn’t making anyone rich except for the people at the top of the scheme. That’s how pyramid schemes *work*. Also these articles don’t get any more or less comment traffic than others. If you disagree, then I suggest you provide your proof because all this trash comment is, is hurt feefees and baseless statement.

It’s starting to sound to me like maybe this whole web3 decentralized currency thing is actually a terrible idea!

ApeCoin? lol wut. Surely something designed for people with monkey brains...

Why I have zero sympathy for victims of crypto scams: These people are out there simply begging to be scammed. In fact, the majority are hoping to be on the ground floor of scams in hopes of selling their worthless crap before the bottom drops out.

Imagine believing in family values and sanctity of life so much you literally murder your wife or vote for the guy who did

The best way to prove that love is to continue commenting on each crypto article. Then you’re really participating in what what you love! High-five!

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

Basically every body language expert”
