
This. I can’t figure out why he sued her, especially since he is not even named in the piece the ACLU wrote for her, which is the reason for the suit I think (I’m kind of losing track of things). If he hadn’t sued, this would have faded from public memory by now and he would be back to making millions, and Ms. Heard

7 replies against Heard’s testimony in 9 minutes? You guys on lunch down at the courthouse or what?

Oh shit, all the body language experts??? Nm, this sounds open and shit af. Wait, what do the phrenologists say?

Her therapist confirms what she was told, and this was well before anyone sued anyone else. Her therapist functions as an outcry witness - the person someone who was raped or abused told.

If I was a cynical person, I’d think that the purpose of this trial (is it a trial? Or a court case? Or is that the same thing? anyway...) wasn’t so much to restore Depp’s image, it was to damage Heard’s. Like, Depp figures his career is going down in flames and he wants to bring Heard down with him. It’s as if he

look, i can’t really think of any reason that Heard would have lied about any of this. it’s not like she wanted money (she pledged her divorce settlement to prove that) and she did not want him prosecuted (when granted her restraining order in 2016, she could have certainly pressed charges). but if you are doubtful,

Some of the difficulty with collaboration could be that apparently everyone around them is on Johnny's payroll. 

Almost as if so far every witness bar one of the psychologists WAS DEPP’S CALLED WITNESS. Of course they’re not going to be supporting her side of events.

All I see on social media is people laughing at her and making her the butt of jokes, calling her a liar, saying she’s making it all up, that she’s a horrible actress on the stand because she’s not believable, that her lies are detrimental to “real” abuse survivors; it’s honestly making me feel crazy, I feel like I am

I believe Amber Heard, and quite honestly I can understand a lot of her reactions. Disclosure, I was also in a mutually abusive relationship. It started out with him berating me, and verbally/mentally abusing me (what an embarrassment I was to him, even down to my southern accent, etc) but I slapped him first. I left

And yet there are piles of folks on the internet who are willing to cape for him because Captain Jack Sparrow might pick them next time.

My whole point has been that reducing advice to “Just move.” leaves out a lot of people who don’t have that option. It flattens whole populations with complex demographics into “blue” and “red,” where everyone in red areas is just getting what they have coming. It’s also kind of pointless because everyone is familiar

It can also be ableist. I’ve lived in Florida since my late teens and hate the direction things have gone here over the last 12 or so years (I was obviously younger and more naïve when I moved here originally, but at the time I remember things seeming like they were headed in a positive direction for the state) and

You responded twice and managed to miss the point both times? I’m glad for you that your family had enough money, resources, and mobility to get out. That’s great. For you. There are lots of people who can’t get out, and don’t deserve to be stuck in those conditions that they have almost no power to change.

Thank you for boldly missing the point.

you’re right. It’s not abuse; your ideations are not abusive of or to your kid. I don’t think you should feel guilty or ashamed. I’d shoulder hug you if I could

It could be argued that attempting suicide in a location where your child can easily find you (or is the most likely person to find you) is abusive, especially in the context of her other emotional & physical abuse toward him. And I’m also a parent who’s dealt with suicidal ideation, so I’m very sympathetic to the

Before the Amber Heard stuff Johnny had previously touched on his mother beating him. Johnny & Amber likely had a Freudian relationship that resembled something like their own parent’s relationship, likely lots of fighting and lashing out in wildly dramatic ways. For anyone who has ever had to witness their parents

Nope, that’s why I responded to a Paresh comment. :P 

Yeah, everyone’s going real hard at you, huh?