
but I will actually sleep better at night if I can parse whether a self-identified college graduate, CEO, and possible DOCTOR OF SOMETHING understands when it is appropriate to use quotation marks and the function and utility they represent.”

Assuming that Paresh is an actual person, one of the things that the January

Ask Alex Jones. He knows Q. The original one, anyway.

Fucking hilarious. Thank you for the entertainment. I couldn’t be more thrilled to see your bullshit scam going under, honestly.

seriously bro who hurt you?

who hurt you?

1. Way to reply to your own comment, but address everyone else.

Poe’s Law in action.

you didnt get enough credit for this, i dont always like sarcasm but when i do it usually involves straight up nightmare fuel.

Hey, Earth Two is still raking in a stupid amount of money on the back of map with a grid on it and some unrelated, off-the-shelf graphics. If I’ve learned anything from Cryptulip Mania it’s that whoever said “there’s a sucker born every minute” drastically underestimated the number of suckers in the world.

I’m not Paresh but I am an expert with a very high IQ so I can confirm that Q and John Titor are the same person. In the 2030s, just as Paresh predicts, Sky Mavis revolutionizes human civilization by skipping Web3 to create WebInfinity. One of the features of WebInfinity is the Reverse Polarity Blockchain. The RPB

Because if Q *isn’t* from the future, then how the hell is he gonna tell me which fake crypto Pokémon is gonna be the most valuable when it comes time for my first Lambo???? Please respond Paresh. I’m desperate here and may be in over my head. You know people on here are saying this is all a pyramid scheme???? WTF am

Why’d you put hit-piece in quotation marks?

Sounds like a great Metaverse joint/scam in the making.

I know I’m not going to blow anyone’s mind with this crazy twist, but turns out our good buddy Paresh here barely posts and last time they did it was because they had dOnE tHeIr OwN rEsEaRcH on the Covid vaccines and had come to some pretty fascinating conclusions

Poe’s Law applies to NFTbros much as it applies to any other thoroughly deranged position.

Oh, I doubt it’s a joke. I’ve had stories I wrote targeted by people who were big fans of a given technology before and were utterly enraged that I was unwilling to jump on the bandwagon to endorse the Next Big Thing that was absolutely 100% going to revolutionize [insert name here.]

Wow this is a ride.

I was sure they were kidding until their second post.

When you understand that this person is in the middle of the pyramid scheme and desperately needs new suckers to come aboard so they can pass the lit bomb off, these posts make so much sense.