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    I mean, the killer literally quoted the white supremacist conspiracy theory that Fox News’s 8pm time slot devoted to to the point that it should really be called The Great Replacement Theory Tonight with Tucker Carlson, and I don’t think he mentioned video games once in that 180 page /pol/ fever dream novella where he

    Don’t forget taking him to Burger King afterward. They should just name whatever meal he got “the Dylan Roof” just to permanently remind people how fucked up that was.

    I want to say yeah, because they didn’t think it was real, just like some people don’t think 9/11 is real or that Sandy Hoom was real but the truth is that those are just loud, tiny minorities of people, and you’re right. People watch a million people die in one country alone and KNOW it’s real, and still don’t give a

    Hey, weird question I know, and it doesn’t seem like a lot of other people here have the “privilege” to ask it, and seeing as you haven’t mentioned it despite dozens of opportunities in your responses I’m guessing you don’t have the esteemed “privilege” either, but I sure as shit do, so I’ll ask it: do the families

    I appreciate your eloquent use of the double meaning of awfully

    You’re fine. I didn’t take your comment in a bad way or anything. But I appreciate the sentiment. It’s hard, and I get through most days by not thinking about it as much as possible, but then another mass shooting happens, because another one ALWAYS happens, and everything comes rushing back. But I get by. I have a

    Lmao I didn’t know that. I generally hate clichés because they’re lazy but so are cops so lol

    Oh yeah, cops had a very proud moment at Stonewall, didn’t they? They’re the enforcers for basically every terrible thing in society. They generally don’t MAKE the awful norms, but as long as they enforce them with sufficient enthusiasm, they get to hurt as many black, brown, poor, queer, disabled, and otherwise

    I’d actually go further than that and say that all police in the US are members of a white supremacist group because the institution of policing in the US (and in all imperialist, colonialist, exploitative, capitalist countries, but I repeat myself) is inherently designed to ensure the continued supremacy of certain

    You’re not wrong, and I remember that attack very well, because it happened almost exactly 16 months after the attack that killed my friends Drew and Javier in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, and was the attack that pushed Pulse down to only the second deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. The David Cross bit

    You’re not wrong. It’s fucked up and makes me feel hopeless that there doesn’t seem to be a solution to the problem that people in power will consider other than fascist police state, and even then that doesn’t do anything to solve the actual problem. Just makes the rich and powerful sleep a little better at night

    You know, I think I remember seeing that a while ago. I’m gonna see if I can find it again.

    Oh yeah, even though A FEW of the changes enacted after 9/11 MAY have made another incident somewhat less likely, the real effect was a vast expansion of our already fascist police state, so even if something were to happen major enough to prompt actual action on gun violence, the result would definitely be just more

    I really appreciate your comment. Just to be clear though, it wasn’t my calculation, it was still David Cross’s joke. I realize the way I phrased it was more confusing than it needed to be, but his joke was that if we want anything to be done about guns, then a mass shooting with casualties on the scale of 9/11 needs

    I said it’s the only action of the ones that you listed. Definitively reaching for a reasonably potentially lethal weapon while being confrontational could easily justify lethal force, but I was just going from your list in your previous comment. Of course there are multiple scenarios that escalating to lethal force

    And yet I’m still haunted by things like the shooting of Charles Kinsey who was doing EVERYTHING right. And yeah, the cop was trying to shoot at his patient and not him, but there wasn’t an excuse for THAT either. And of the things you listed, the ONLY one that would POSSIBLY justify lethal force depending on the

    Interacting with cops is already a high stress situation for most people, and then there are people like me with serious stress and anxiety disorders, for whom even having the ABILITY to respond to or follow a command under high stress can be somewhere between unlikely and impossible. Add the cops’ weapons to the mix

    You can’t be serious. Are you genuinely suggesting that there’s no possible way to get a man who is face down on the sidewalk in handcuffs who is outnumbered several times over by trained cops into the back of a squad car without killing them if they don’t surrender? Is that also why they didn’t try to render medical

    Idk, seems like cops find ways to kill marginalized people who aren’t resisting, and much MUCH more importantly, I’ll have to double check the relevant legal statutes, but I’m fairly confident that the penalty for resisting arrest or disobeying a cop’s orders is not an extrajudicial execution. They’re only supposed to

    David Cross has a pretty great joke about how much 9/11 changed air travel and how we were and by and large still are okay with massive inconveniences when we fly just to avoid something like that happening again, so maybe if there’s a mass shooting that kills as many people as died in 9/11 then something might