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    MAYBE things would have gone differently if the arresting officers had known he killed a retired cop during his rampage, but that’s just fucked up in a different way. But yeah, it’s just “odd” how the guys with the body armor and guns and white supremacist manifestos never find themselves in choke holds or with knees

    Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

    You absolute madman, you found me out!

    This is a deeply weird comment that sounds like you’re not only shilling for the fake crypto pokemon landlord pyramid scheme game, but ALSO shilling for some VR company now? Also, it’s Nintendo, not Nitendo, which I would chalk up to a typo if you didn’t repeat it 3 times and spell it properly 0 times. But my main

    I dont even know where to begin with that. Like, I thought you were in deep, but FUCK. You honestly think that people are being PAID (by who?) to post comments on a Jezebel blog post??? The person who wrote this post is barely being paid lmfao. But it makes sense to you that I was paid to make this comment because…

    Sorry to unload like that. It’s a shitty thing to do. I try to keep things light and airy and jokey but eventually I run out of the energy I need to keep it all inside. So. I think I’m gonna log off now. Be well.

    Look, I’m glad you like where things are heading. I hope things work out for you and you don’t get hurt. But please remember that people have. This isn’t a game, it’s not some new exciting frontier with no risk because TECHNOLOGY. I don’t want to see what happened to Neil happen to anyone else, and I’m sure it has

    And because I’m fucking tired of this I’ll let you in on one more secret about me and my position here. A tech entrepreneur buddy of mine ODed on fentanyl and died last year after he lost 1.1 mil in the span of 72 hours in one of these marketplaces because the value of these things, the numbers you keep quoting, ARE

    Lol lot of assumptions there. Maybe I don’t “believe” in the vaccines or trust *anyone* simply because they’re a scientist but I actually understand the vaccines because I’m scientifically literate, have a working understanding of immunology, can read and interpret the studies myself, and have a board certified

    I truly could not possibly care less whose fault it is or who solves it, I just want to make sue my son has food.

    I’m a stay at home dad with a 5 month old who was exclusively breastfed, but my wife got a promotion recently and her new position doesn’t allow her enough time to pump (also my son is a giant who is the size of an average 12 month old and an appetite more than twice what’s normal for his age, so pumping alone

    Lol ok

    I guess—and I’m sorry for so many replies but I’m frazzled and my son is finally asleep and I’m going to sleep but this is my one free moment today—the only coherent thought I can put together without looking into the things I need to look into, is that cars, when they were first invented, may have seemed silly, but

    *demonstrate that I AM taking what you said seriously, plus like 100 other typos and errors. It’s crazy how just writing out your thoughts, something that I used to do professionally, can get just fucking decimated by splitting your attention between that and taking care of a baby. Sorry, I realize I keep bringing him

    Because, among other things—and I could absolutely be misremembering; this is one of the things I need to go back and refresh on—I honestly don’t recall Shovel Guy asking really any questions, let alone the good faith ones you’re describing. I recall him saying the blockchain was solving an unnamed problem the same

    I take care of my 5 month old during the week and while I can crank out a troll comment or a quick response any day, I definitely do not have the time to research the few things I need to brush up on and respond to this in the detail it deserves at the moment. I’ll try to get back to it this weekend, if I’m able.

    Three and a half days later (which, weird) and this is the best you could do? A MUCH poorer version of what I said to you? That’s sad. Log off. Seriously. I don’t even mean that as an insult. Like, you should be happy. Find something that you enjoy doing and do well, and this is obviously neither of those things for

    Fingers crossed that both EA and FIFA lose over this

    I’m aggregating a bunch of pro-crypto comments I’ve seen over the last few months here from several different people. I don’t remember much about the shovel and backhoe dude except for their analogy, mostly because I don’t think they ever provided clarity (other people here seem to remember it similarly). The other

    I have a lot of trouble recognizing and acknowledging my successes and my therapist recommended that I put more effort into celebrating them when they happen. It’s important to always take time for self care