
All day long they’re yelling

So one species can keep the name “firefox”, the other will have to be renamed to “netscape”.

Now playing

Anyway, if this is your dildo, it has a new owner now.

Should we send them a return ping?

Radio stars?? I thought that video killed all of them in the 80's? 

MA!  You gotta get outa the city!

If it shortens to every 15 days, then every 14 days, and so forth, we’ve got a problem.


Multiple times per day, the Internet tells me “This will be the best thing you’ll see all day!”

Good Ol’ Roger Miller.... 

TL:DR for my comment - N95/P100 masks are generally better than surgical masks, but if they don’t fit correctly then they don’t provide any more protection than those masks. Surgical masks are fine for ill people who don’t want to infect others, and are better than nothing.

You sure the mummy was not Canadian eh !

The Amish are much more accepting of technology, including modern medicine, than they're assumed to be! And the study details at least one survivor who's wearing that kind of device already.

They don’t necessarily eschew all technology, but try to evaluate the effect a technology has on community. They avoid many labor saving or entertainment devices that might promote laziness or dependency, but are often not adverse to life saving devices or modern medical techniques.

I’m gonna be that weirdo who asks: is this really tragic? This is just natural erosion. *shrug*

This is such an awesome article! Maybe you guys should think about making it a serial thing? I’m an ethnologist-anthropologist (a cultural anthropologist in the US classification of things), and my colleagues have had some CRAZY experiences in the field. I haven’t had anything too crazy happen, but I did have one

Artistic license seemingly influenced by the famous photo of Sharbat Gula  

Not at all damning, no. In high school bio when we studied this, it was expressly stated that they were fur farm foxes, so why this was a) supposed to be surprising or b) considered a necessary “expose” is a bit baffling. The only thing I hadn’t heard before is that the fur farm the animals were sourced from was in