
Interestingly, this rhino-like horn might’ve been a kind of “egg tooth,” which helped the baby break through its egg shell during hatching.

This also gives us an indication of how bright Ichthyosaurs were.

as I interpret the books”

Congratulations, Kinja. Your sites are now intolerable to navigate, thanks to all the fucking ads clogging up every space on the screen in every article.

Wanted for questioning:

“I live somewhere that took COVID19 seriously”

“These dogs are fiercely independent and stubborn”

That scene is so great that they actually use it again in Jaws: The Revenge as a flashback when Ellen is reminiscing about her husband and youngest son, who are by that time both dead.

As far as I can tell, the only redeeming thing about Jaws: The Revenge is this quote from Michael Caine, which speaks to any good-to-great actor who does a project purely for the paycheck: “I have never seen it [the film], but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is

100% agreed. While the deaths are violent, they’re not some gratuitous gross out scene. They really make you feel what the character is feeling, whether it’s the swimmer in the beginning, or Quint trying to avoid sliding into the jaws of...JAWS.

Deare Ye Olde Penthouse,

“.... what else do you want? ...Coffee ...COFFee... give yer ole man a kiss... why? ‘cause I need it ...I’d like to talk to your husband... so would I... Can you do that? Sure I can I’m the chief of police... yes you are... no I'm not ...yes you are... I can’t do that... yes you can!"

My favorite moment (and music queue) is when the broken off piece of the pier turns around in the water and heads back to the guy who fell in, Williams score kicks up a notch and you’re like, Oh shit, that guys a goner...

Even Jurassic Park, it was way more about dinosaurs than it was about the humans being eaten. Still a great movie, but lacks the humanity of JAWS.

There’s also an 11th-century story from the region, in which a “builder-king restarts the daily solar cycle by copulating with his sister,” the authors write.”

“Sleep with me or the sun won’t rise (sister)!” I haven’t heard that argument before.

Everyone pretty much has their fave scene or quote (huh, what rhymes with quote?). But for me, seeing it way back then, I swear I just froze the moment a straight-faced Quint looks down at that fishing reel. You can just imagine the years of experience this man has as he calmly decides whether it’s turbulence... or

The scene that put the fear of God in me was the opening scene where the young woman is pulled under.

This movie really does hold up so well and a lot of it comes down to the fact that it’s a very human movie. Yes, it’s about a giant shark, but it’s not ABOUT the giant shark, not really. It’s about the characters, who are fleshed out so well and acted incredibly by the cast. The slow burn build up, everything about

Same here. I watch it every October when I’m mainlining horror movies and I usually watch it a few more times throughout the year. Even with the slightly wonky shark, it’s just such a nearly flawless movie. As close as you can usually get. Fantastic characters, great dialogue, spot on cinematography and score, nice

Full disclosure - Jaws is easily in my Top 5 favorite movies.