
How many make up ads do you really need?  Impossible to follow the article.

I was hoping for some useful advice, somewhat disappointed that there is none. In March my family returned from a trip to Florida, we were careful while there but would not back out of showing up for my “adopted” sister’s wedding. When we returned home, because my job is essential I have had to cut off all physical

The numbers in PA are already going back up, I may be horribly afraid of needles but a potential vaccine could require me to be stuck 20 times and I would grit my teeth and bear it.

I’d urge you to watch it again. There are so many diverse characters. You have Hammond who has made a complete 180° and wishes the creatures he made be left in peace. Ludlow who wants to exploit them as a resource. Harding wants to further her research with her idealistic emphasis on not impacting/infringing on or

I'd completely forgotten that, it's been that long since I watched anything but the original.

Really?  Despite everyone roundly panning it I thought Lost World did a much better job of focusing on the human element, maybe stretched it past believability but at least they didn't go, here are some awesome characters but OMG dinosaurs!

The one that still gets me is the "mimicry" scene where Sean and Brody are at the dinner table, supposedly a quiet moment between takes when they picked up on what was going on and filmed it.  Truly humanizing moments that you don't see in modern films because they have too many planned out scenes and shots and end up

Comments like yours from commentors like you are why I still come here btw.  Thanks for passing on knowledge and practical experience.

In my county in PA the infection rate as reported stands at .4% and climbing and that is just the reported cases.  Given the overall lack of testing being done here my guess is the actual infection rate is nearing if not over 1%.

I came down to the comments to mention this. Decades ago when I was in junior high we went through this study and I distinctly remember the fox had come from fur farms. So if we were taught that in school back then how is it surprising to scientists today that the fox were not “wild” by strict definition. I seem to

Now playing

I can’t help but be reminded of someone in your little rant...

Yeah, the Bloomsburg Fair in PA has multiple hot tub vendors though I have never seen one of the hot tubs running.  But obviously they do a pretty brisk business as they return year after year.

I was always a sucker for Rexes anyway.  Sooooo soft!

Or horses.

Awful?  It was the funniest damn movie Hollywood has produced in years.  Their mistake was promoting it as an action flick.

I'm going to point out that just because an object is shield shaped does not mean it is a weapon.  Hog farmers use a curved shield to direct their animals in specific directions and since a previous article referenced the importance of pigs to the people of the Stone Age, it could be a hold over of agricultural

So weird though, my DNA has been in “every law enforcement and government agency’s database” for about three years and despite having found over 6000 people that can claim 3rd-5th cousin statis with me spread across the Eastern Sea Board I have yet to be charged for a single crime. Then again, I am not, and tend not

I can't help but question their estimates on the age of the foal.  He is in a classic "diver" position seen during birth.  Foals rarely adopt this position at any other time after birth, it is not supremely comfortable and is only used to ease their passage through the birth canal.  I would guess instead that his dam

Also concerned that the episodes I bought via Amazon don't suddenly disappear.  I'll be endlessly pissed if I spent all that money for nothing.

As Raskos mentioned kittens knead their mothers while nursing to assist milk production, similar to livestock butting and nudging at their mothers udder. I suspect there is some sort of endorphin release associated with the act of kneading as well and have noticed that many of the cats that engage in the practice are