
Thank you. I’m well aware of the difference between apart and a part. It was a typo from my giant man fingers while typing in line at a grocery store. Do you know the difference between “insufferable, pedantic twat“ and “Painfully anal bore”?

It’s fascinating to me that “the” mammalian middle ear evolved at least three times during mammaliaform evolution. I think haramiyids (like Vilevolodon and Maiopatagium) also had a unique middle ear configuration. I’d never considered that it had anything to do with chewing, but that kind of makes sense.

I’ll take a nesting doll boat grave any day of the week over nesting doll child heads, so yeah 

Genuinely curious how we come to the conclusion that there is “no evidence” for child sacrifice in these cases, in spite of this: “Both of the juvenile skulls were “still fleshed” when secured to the infants’ heads, according to the paper.” I can understand that there’s no evidence in the sense that the rest of these

I say boy I say boy...can you hear me now?

Willow “I skinned and wore Elmo” Rosenberg?

Here’s the male witch costume that you wanted:

Willow? You put Willow high on the list?

So are the shitty G/O Media masters now just bringing in freelancers on the promise that they can plug their shit for half a post as long as something goes up on the site?  How is this not marked as a fucking ad?

It looks like they mostly went with grave goods, which I agree is a bit problematic methodologically, especially as it’s possible the elite were relatively recently arrived IE-speaking peoples and may have had different funerary practices than the locals. 

It is interesting but I’m left wondering how the determination of the social classing was established. It is repeated that the degree of wealth in the burial site was the main factor for categorizing the persons status. This makes sense to a degree but were there also full skeletal examinations to determine bone wear

from what’s written, people weren’t necessarily getting in any hot tubs, they were just in the area where the hot tubs were and the bacteria got dispersed in the air because of the churning steamy water.

They will naturally use a litter box if you give them one. Just like cats. 

Milking pigs sounds so unlikely, they are very unruly and grumpy animals. The non-ruminant milk probably didn’t come from that. More probable it’s from a human.

+one ping only!

...A. anamensis likely lived alongside A. afarensis for around 100,000 years, according to the new research. This unexpected overlap means some species within the Australopithecus genus didn’t evolve linearly...

Adorable? This is adorable:

Came here just for this. Take your star. 

You’ve lost another submarine?