I hope so, but I seriously doubt it. Lucha Underground does it so damn well, I love watching Taya superkick the taste out of Marty the Moth’s mouth.
I hope so, but I seriously doubt it. Lucha Underground does it so damn well, I love watching Taya superkick the taste out of Marty the Moth’s mouth.
Sadly, none of this surprises me. He could drive by my house in a pickup truck with a MAGA flag on one side and a Confederate one on the other and I’d shrug and go: “Huh”, then go back to rooting for Earth Warrior Daniel Bryan to kick his teeth in.
Vince hasn’t had an original storytelling device in decades.
Shoot Vince McMahon into the fucking sun.
I was told there would be no math.
When asked for a comment, Gary Bettman was unable to reply due to poor cell reception at his laser-shark infested volcano lair.
She just leaked the title to R. Kelly’s next album
Rich White Guy Doesn’t Get It: Film At 11
NBA officiating conjures up the type of anarchy usually reserved for G8 summits and $1 beer tractor pulls.
Jam packed full of impeccable spelling, grammar, and meme usage.
Whoever is playing the Redskins is now the team that gets picked up on the waiver wire the rest of the fantasy football season.
Bor-Ass was the worst He-Man character ever.
We do?
I am going to go the opposite direction and curse him for not using burnssunblocker.gif
WTF is with the flag that has the Assassin’s Creed logo on it?
After he was released, Nobody on the flight could remember why they liked him in the first place
I think the most important lesson in all this is “don’t come at The Man with some weak ass alt-right nothing promo because she will crumble it up and launch it directly into the sun”
LA residents: “wait, the chargers were gonna play in Mexico?!”