Watching Indians fans file into the Jake is like watching a COPS greatest hits marathon.
Don’t most Dodgers fans miss the first hour and change of home games?
Don’t worry, ESPN had this as the #2 play of the night behind a goal scored by a washed up English Premier player in his first game in a 3rd rate sports league (not that I’m bitter) (Fuck you, ESPN).
That’s some ironclad logic right there.
They actually mentioned the HHH match on Raw (not who his opponent was obviously, Benoit still being the Wrestling equivalent of Voldemort).
If he would’ve left the police helicopter alone, this would’ve never been an issue but he just HAD to pull out the bazooka.
Having curled for the first time last week, I can’t imagine trying to do that hammered or even slightly lit. My brains would be all over the place, and they’d be yelling at my corpse that it was melting the ice.
I knew someone would bring back the Crippler Crossface. Chris Benoit would be proud.
Only thing I’m rooting for tonight is to hit a square in my super bowl pool. I’m all in for Team Gamblor.
Counter argument: light yourself on fire.
That’s the only way you could get me to watch that blazing shit show.
I’d love to hear what your idea of “Justice” in this case would look like. Wait...scratch that. I actually don’t care about your opinions.
I sincerely hope he lives to be 110 and is beaten every remaining day of his life by the prison guards. I also hope MSU is sued repeatedly and to the point of having to shutter its doors.
Eagles Fans: Destroying Stereotypes Since Never.
Jason Kidd looks like what HHH turns into if he stopped doing steroids.
+1 dark alleyway.
While I agree with you 1000000% I can’t help but noticing your handle and picturing Subban in a Preds sweater. Then chuckling a bit.