
I think the problem is the diminishing returns of the format they found. They were pretty blatantly riding a cycle of “let’s repackage nostalgia as quickly as we think people will buy it”. What little characterization that could be done on the original 70s version quickly minimized on their show and became the “LOOK!

Moss would be in for many hundreds of thousands of dollars at this point. If not in the low millions. But surely it’s worth it when she fires off those “intention beams” in her weird Handmaid’s Tale closeup grimace-fests.

There was a doc about it a few years ago that created some discussion on these boards.  You’re not kidding about the money.  Like tens of thousands of dollars in books and associated media, group sessions, etc.

“Come in and learn more about it” has been their stock answer for literally decades. What it really means is: buy books or services (possibly after taking a personality test).

Maybe.  But he may have also been physically abusive just like she says.  Only they know for sure, so we’re left with this mudslinging shitshow that ultimately will not resolve anything legally.  He knows after losing in England that he’s probably going to lose here as well, so the lawsuit itself could just be an

Some reading material for you supposedly “all knowing” jackasses...

this case will be compelling for much longer than 3 months.

I don’t know what’s more depressing: that the ACLU can be paid to fluff a civil case, or that they’ll gleefully exploit that information AGAINST you in court if you don’t pony up. Just absolutely fucking ghastly.

It’s not so bad for Heard, but bad for the ACLU. Even if ghostwriting is common, this isn’t really the shit the ACLU should be doing, and with the entire right wing constantly waiting for the organization to fuck up, the ACLU should be trying to be Caesar’s wife, not getting into this mudpit. She could have found a

Eh, the videos of his screaming at her are hardly promising.

I know it might look terrible to some that she didn’t write the op-ed herself but...I’ve worked in PR for years and I’ve ghost-written countless op-eds. Not everyone is good at getting their point across in an effective way, and that’s where PR people like me step in. The “author” would take my draft, make whatever

Yeah, the donations clearly stopped after a) Depp started suing her and b)  her film roles dried up because of the fallout from this. She’s been wrapped up in expensive legislation for years, largely because of him—and unlike him, she never had the kind of career or income that would allow her to afford that. There’s

So the ACLU is complaining they didn’t get the full amount promised? Their involvement feels like some cheap version of “The Godfather” - I’d did you a solid, now where’s mine? Are they now publicly shaking her down? And a donation made in her name, even from someone else’s account, still is a fulfillment of the

The ones that I find most ridiculous are how him laughing at the trial proceedings and not taking them seriously are “oh such a hero”/“our king” while if she give any sort of look it’s “look at how callous/evil she is”.

This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.

Man, I know Jez has gotta do numbers but I was hoping the articles on the trial would be limited.

Yeah many of us pointed out this very thing at the time the White House was treating abortion like Lord Voldemort in the press room.

I’m confused as to why you’re all discussing as though the only sexualities are straight and gay? He seems to be in a very happy relationship with a woman currently, but that doesn’t mean he’s ‘gaybaiting’ nor does it mean he’d have to have a public relationship with a man for his desire not to label to be valid. Nor