
People in their 40s are hardly ancient, and many of them are transgender. “Probably in their 40s” isn’t a reason to be unaware of trans people.

You dealt with an abusive person. Not every one with a cluster B disorder is abusive. You aren't an expert on mental illness or personality disorders because you dated an abusive person who had one. I'm sorry for your experience, but please stop contributing to harmful stigma around mental illness.

You seem to be confused, unless there was someone else in the room with them, nothing is going to “come out”. There are rarely witnesses to intimate partner violence.

Honestly just shut the fuck up. Do you have any clue how much research, over DECADES, had proven that policing does little to nothing to prevent or deter crime? Like if you're going to be extremely stupid and wrong don't all caps it next time. It's embarrassing for you.

I also wouldn’t really call 5 days an extended vacation. But ok detective, glad you're on the case.

Its likely, that during spring break that this custodian was not working. It's not an unreasonable explanation as to why she didnt follow up during those five days. It seems obvious. Since so many want to assume she was in the wrong, why can’t I assume that she was on break. There’s no good reason to assume that she

I am familiar with how universities work as I’m employed at one. I still don’t think a custodian on her time off needed to dedicate that time to partnering with police to solve this mystery. It shows how little the time of laborers is respected, to think they should spend their time off working.

She was likely on break though, and the suggestions that she is required to spend her time off hunting down a rich brat carrying around a backpack full of cash are ridiculous. There was nobody at the desk when she tried to report, and it was the end of her day. She put it somewhere safe. It’s super obnoxious to

You should probably get help.

I can spell suspicious, so you might want to utilize spell check before you insult my intelligence. I normally think pointing out bad grammar and incorrect spelling is shitty, but normally people aren’t spelling things wrong while calling me an idiot. Your line of thinking speaks to a lack of decency. Maybe you’re

I lost a wallet with 900 dollars in cash back in college. At the university. It was my rent. I didn’t get it back, security was not particularly helpful (but what could they do?). I didn’t try and get anyone fired over nor do I think anyone should have been fired or charged with a crime over my mistake.

Ok. But she was probably on break. She’s not a detective. It’s not her job to spend her time off hunting down the rich kid who lost a backpack full of cash. Literally that is not her job nor her responsibility. It seems like she may not have even looked through the bag to know it was full of cash. End of day before

You seem like a bad person.

Not impossible, but wrong, racist, and classist.

Does the line of thinking that destroys this woman’s livelihood based on suspected intention of theft (despite no clear attempt to do so) not speak to racism? I think the point being made was, why is everyone so comfortable accusing this woman based on feelings that her behavior was “sketchy” while no mention has been

And yet nobody seems desperate to investigate why some USC brat was carrying around a backpack full of cash lol. No, let's rake the hardworking custodian over the coals for a theft that didn't happen. So gross.

It seems like you are a real shit person tbh

Thank you! Lotta folks showing their whole ass here. USC brat has backpack full of cash, not sketch at all! Hard-working custodian puts said backpack in a locker for safekeeping over Spring Break after trying to first report it? SO SKETCHY EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NO THEFT

Why are we assuming she rifled through the contents of the bag? It doesn't seem like she did. Also, she's a custodian not a fucking detective. She's allowed to not obsess over some rich kids backpack during her break. She tried, nobody was there, so she put it somewhere safe. Why is nobody wondering why some little

Unfortunately you'll probably still be the kind of person you are.