
Sorry Ms. Deja Taylor: you need to not have a gun in a house with child with such severe behavioral difficulties. And now that you son has demonstrated the capacity for violence, the best thing for him and for society is for him to attend a school with children with severe behavioral difficulties.

The teacher should be suing. The administration was aware of the danger and did nothing. I hope she bankrupts the district.

There’s plenty of blame to go around in this case. I hope the kid gets some competent help.

I’m pretty sure that account and the Samhain (samhain0035) are the same person, which adds to a lot of time spent on trolling. Again to the point, I personally feel more pity then anger toward them.

I’m sure to show the world how responsible gun owners should store weapons, the NRA will immediately send her a gun safe. Any day now, any day...

I disagree about the likelihood of A and maybe Ben and possibly even C. Kids see and hear everything—that is the issue many people ignore when they bring guns into homes with kids. My parents couldn’t effectively hide anything in my house when I was a kid.

FYI: The Dr Emilio Lizardo (account: paging-doctor-parody) imposter account posting here in this thread is NOT the long-established account user known in the Giz family.

I suspect the kid is going to be institutionalized for the rest of his life, which perhaps could have been avoided if basic firearm precautions had been followed in the house, as the lawyer says they were, but obviously was not actually the case

Bottom line, if the gun wasn’t secured enough to keep it out of the boy’s hands, it wasn’t secured enough, period. You can say it was just an “oops,” that one time someone forgot to put the gun back where it belonged or lock the safe. But if you’re handling the gun often enough to get absent-minded about it, you’re

It amazes me that more people don’t remember him filming John Frusciante’s drug addiction. Clips of it are/were on youtube. Fusciante’s addition to heroin was so bad that he lost his teeth and had so many abscess’ on his arms that to this day he wears long sleeves to cover the scars. But Depp, ever the decent person,

When all you wear is accessories, it’s hard to keep them all clean.

Him being an awful abusive person who tanked his own career being awful and abusive is something I knew and have been hollering about on this website for months so this time I’ll focus on this part: What the hell is a high water booty??? How does it make a white woman not white? What kind of obscure racism is that???

Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.

Was afraid of that and yeah, we won’t ever really know the truth I imagine. I’ve seen a few people implying that assuming there’s any coverup here is tantamount to school shooter denials, but uh, I’m not denying that the school shooting took place in any capacity - I AM asserting that the police mishandling was at a

The people in charge of releasing evidence in this case are greg abbott and ken paxton. They definitely shot children 

so this is their latest lie.

Are we at least certain that some investigative bodies are truly seeing all body cam footage?

Because I think these cops actually shot a kid themselves. Nothing else explains some of the ways they’ve framed conversations where they willingly volunteered info about how they totally, for-sure didn’t, and given that often

Didn’t they actually NEVER respond? I thought it was Border Patrol that finally went in and saved the children that were left. 

It’s a lot more likely they’re spend the rest of their lives whining that people wont praise their heroism.

Look, another commenter suggested that the kicker’s behavior was learned behavior. It is entirely possible that he learned to be a generally shitty person from his parents.