
Before the Amber Heard stuff Johnny had previously touched on his mother beating him. Johnny & Amber likely had a Freudian relationship that resembled something like their own parent’s relationship, likely lots of fighting and lashing out in wildly dramatic ways. For anyone who has ever had to witness their parents

Are you sure she wouldn’t be...running up that road? running up that hill?

Do you mean Kate Moss? Because Kate Bush would NEVER!

The one laugh I’ve consistently gotten out of this (admittedly rather bitter in nature) is seeing his diehard fans on social media where it’s like all these kids in their teens or early twenties, as I said at the time of the London trial a worrying amount of them women or girls, who don’t seem like they did the best

You’re asking for both accountability and apology, something you will find is no longer taught in J School. While this is a Female Empowerment site by notion, is seems to be high school level rumors and rushes to publish/judgement.

If I’m understanding how defamation works in general, and in this trial in particular, I don’t see how Depp can win since there’s been plenty of evidence presented that he engaged in abuse. However, he may - and I think, has - won some of his public image back at least to some when it’s also been presented in court,

Agree with everything you’ve said, except I’m unclear on why you included “pro-BDSM.”

Again, are you guys going to apologize for the role you played in this whole thing? Because it was a big role. 

It’s becoming a farce.

On topic: SorryMissTwerk, aka RealDrDonna, aka CherokeePurple, a poster here who has stalked a trans commenter and posted hateful anti-trans sentiment has been ungreyed because they posted a *few* pro-liberal messages in between accounts. There are so many here who have remained in the greys for unknown reasons,

shhhhh. let them.

And if that's true, see an endocrinologist. Don't stick your dick in a Chernobyl box. 

I don't judge people based on their interests so more power to you! Whatever floats your canoe 🛶

Yep. I have an Amazon Prime membership (we broke down and got one after we had a kid at the height of the pandemic — when you need same day diapers, you need same day diapers and I live in Canada, where the alternative would have been supporting a less convenient local monopoly), and Jeff Bezos (whose net worth is

Agreed - the only thing more pointless and annoying than the Kardashian shows is the people whining about them. If people like watching it, then fine! I don’t, which is also fine! Late stage capitalism is a dumpster fire in a LOT of ways, and this is probably one of the least horrible ones.

We also had the Civil War, yet Trump supporters were still wearing Camp Auschwitz shirts and carrying Confederate flags in the Capitol on 1/6. This is who Republicans are, and more and more of them are abandoning any pretense otherwise.

The Kardashians are the Kardashians, and I will painstakingly track their every move to the grave.

Yep, 3,500 cops are in the subway stations, there were cops in the station where this happened, not only didn’t they prevent it, they didn’t get the guy or even get a decent description.

There are already so, so many cops in subway stations. They stand around waiting to tackle people for fare evasion. But sure, yeah, let’s get more in stations so they can just start shooting at crowds when things go wrong. Great formula.

Didn’t the cops just plow down a homeless person in the streets last week in NYC

I think what they mean is, normalize the fact that Tommy Lee was cute as a young man, as opposed to kind of gross hanging onto the kind of shenanigans one would hope to have moved beyond by this point in their life.