
I just doubt the cost/gallon will suddenly decrease by the same amount as the gas tax.

I think the issue of asking for mileage is that all the money goes to the state the car is registered in. What about road trips? For example, I live in state M and drive to state V every month for work. Buying gas in state V pays local taxes for road maintenance in that state. However if we went purely based on

and companies should have to pay it if their employees commute to work. Maybe that’ll incentivize them a little more to feint caring for the environment.

This was exactly my thought, in additional to the per mile tax there is some sort of multiplier for the weight of the vehicle.  Heavier vehicles cause more damage, so they would have a higher multiplier.  So if you were still driving a relatively featherweight ICE vehicle that gets great MPG, you are still paying less

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Very well said, I was thinking exactly the same. EV’s and efficient vehicles aren’t getting “screwed” by this and gas guzzlers aren’t necessarily getting some unfair benefit from it. More like it’s taking away the current free pass heavy EV’s are getting, and eliminates the subsidy that gassers are currently paying to

I think this argument distracts from the point of the gas tax in the first place, which isn’t to encourage efficiency but as a way to pay for infrastructure that everyone uses. The idea behind it being a gas tax was that it used to be generally true that heavier cars used more fuel and cause more roadway damage so

We may not like it, but something has to give. Many states rely on the gas tax for roads, bridges, etc. So hybrids and EVs are effectively paying less (or nothing) while weighing the same and putting the same wear and tear on infrastructure. Right now, gas cars are subsidizing efficient vehicles. A per mileage

Dont act all righteous and like you never watch porn lol. On a real level, adult performers rely on Twitter for marketing and is a huge revenue stream for them and is pretty important for their community

Yep. They want to keep it PG-13 in terms of nudity/sexual content and they want to keep news out of the feed. Basically, they found that enough people weren’t ditching Twitter for Instagram directly , so they had to draw them in with something that was Twitter-like on the most superficial level (text-centric vs.

I don’t think they’re ever going to do that, if Instagram is anything to go by. 

You can’t delete threads unless you want to delete your Instagram too. They want you locked in 🙃

I loathe the algorithm. I want to see what my friends and select other accounts are posting, not Meta’s idea of what influencers are. It’s boring and frustrating as hell.

It is, but staying closed the way they are just isn’t a sustainable model.

Yeah. Like, in a way they’re doing the right thing by running an actual, honest-to-goodness beta test rather than just opening the whole jumbled thing up to the world immediately. And it can’t be ignored that while they have a lot of money behind their development efforts, it’s nothing compared to what Meta can (and

Until they give us the ability for our feed to feature ONLY the actual people we follow, instead of pages and pages of posts from people we don’t know or care about, it’s pretty much dead in the water. I honestly don’t give two fucks about what some self-important “influencer” is doing. I care about seeing what my

Right, it’s weird that Bluesky has been exclusive for ages when Threads was open from the gates. When BS was the only strong competitor people were willing to wait, but now it just looks embarrassing on their part.

Yeah but it’s not if, it’s when.  I really want to leave Twitter for something better, once that something better comes along.  I’m not impatient about it.  Just like I really want an electric car but the right one for me hasn’t hit the market yet and I can wait.

I’m still rooting for Bluesky, gross as it is to root for something created by Jack Fucking Dorsey, since at this point it seems like the lesser of three evils, but they really need to pick up the development pace and get it to the point where it’s ready to be open to the public. It’s at the point now where people are

I’m sort of interested, but the tie-in to Instagram and the whole “kill your Instagram account if you decide not to pursue this any further” thing, reduced my interest greatly.