
Hello!! Gen Z born in 2000 here!! You’re forgetting those of us born 1996-2012 are considered Gen Z, the oldest of us are already 26-27 years old. 

I always viewed Embracer as a snake in the grass... gobbling up good IP and sitting atop it like a dragon sleeping on it's horde, seeing as they wouldn't do anything with it (when they gobbled up Edios, I had a twinge of hope MAYBE they'd finally DO something, but NOOOOOOOOOOO). WHERE IS BLOOD OMEN: LEGACY OF KAIN AND

Doubting it'll happen... Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man.

Unfortunately, those same companies see it as a disposable product and don't care.

Wah, waaaaahhh!! Do what us fans have had to do for nearly 2 decades now, pirate the games and STFU, Hasbro. You've neglected us for this long, why do you care now??

If I could opt out of that blunt object I would... I still have a truck that runs on diesel to haul heavy machinery for work. They've yet to make an EV I can do that with reliably.

While good, it hampers their ability to grow. I just hope they do an open beta

Its why I made a burner 'gram. You basically have to.

Like you weren’t a horny teenager that reached for an issue of Playboy at one time. I get it, porn can be addictive, but it's also a safe way to explore one's sexual side if used right, and how does that old adage go... "sex sells?"

Welcome to every multiplayer game in this day and age. 

Which is an ideal we, as a species, must make an effort to discard. The Prince looks great for this entry. Gameplay is shaping up to be copy/paste of Samus Returns 3D.

I think the new design for the Prince is great, I just don't like how the game itself is shaping up to be. 

I’ve had a headphone indent in my skull since I was ten. Its where my headphones end up, every time, and its where they are comfortable. Just watch for thinning hair.

So let's prove them wrong and throw their shit back in their face.

We took our Game Boy with us.

Hehe, makes me glad that I like to linger on web pages while reading.

The day they do that, Reddit is dead to me.

Mkes me glad I still have a not-so-intrusive build of Reddit on my phone. 

1) MOVING DAY 2) Deep storage (I'm not always using my consoles) 3) Collection display

I had to delete constantly on even the 400GB card, no longer have to on the 1TB. I even have an extra TB in my PS5 and I'm still deleting.