
Of course it’s unfair. Why else do you think it prompted her to donate a million dollars?

Good on her though for recognizing her privilege and donating $1 million to trying to close the gap somehow.

She talks about how it’s unfair in her post.

There’ve been several articles on the WaPo and elsewhere that alcohol consumption is up nationwide. I get it. People are isolated and anxious. But as a recovering alcoholic, it deeply worries me. With all due respect to AA, I do not buy the program line that alcoholics are just people born with an “allergy” to

Usually it seems like they’re just recirculating some other internet douchewipe’s bad air. My favorite was the munch who quoted another guy’s diatribe, and at one point he’s comparing Marvel to Yosemite Sam running off a cliff, but he pronounces it “Yossa-Might” because he has no idea what the fuck he’s referring to.

I’m sure some whiny douche on YouTube already has a thousand words devoted to it, narrated in a flat, affectless tone. 

It’s not a failed test. A failed test would be if the test didn’t happen. The test succeeded, the results were not as expected.

You may not care for musk’s personality. But he has done more to

Do you know that it’s their fault though? It sounds like in some states they were ordered to close up shop, and if that’s the case then fulfilling your order would have been illegal for them.

We didn’t elect him. He abused his power as Sec of State to purge thousands off of our voter rolls ahead of the 2018 elections. He cheated his way through our democracy and now he’s going to kill people with his ignorance.

World class morons. The best morons!

I’m all for them trying it. In fact, we need Nancy Pelosi to stand up and declare “no one should attempt to kill the virus with a shotgun”. Instigate a literal Cleetus Safari.

“I just learned that now, so everybody else has just learned about it now. Therefore I know just as much the experts, so I am an expert.”

True...but if you believe the speculation that caused the investigation into the last election, we might not have actually elected Kemp.

“The government you elect is the government you deserve.”

My god. We’re all screwed because of idiots in charge. 

“I’ve been basing my policy decisions on willful ignorance that will definitely cost people their lives. But it’s cool, voter suppression and tribalism will keep me in grift... I mean, office.”

Even a dumb shlub like me knew this from basic news and reading! What kind of morons do we running things?

Now playing

Kemp probably thinks you can shoot CoVID-19 to death like he would to any kid interested in dating his daughter.

I guess the downside of running a con in the middle of a pandemic is that a heap of people have nothing better to do than research your obvious con.