
It’s not, which is why the school principal met with all of the swim team parents and told them not to target any kids on the team with negativity, and then took that individual parent aside and told him to never pull a stunt like that again, and began attending every swim meet - including away meets - to monitor the

My main beef is how inaccurate this is. In reality, the whole plot of Cats would be them randomly knocking shit over and taking naps.

Increasingly, I think mothers create misogynistic creeps. Fathers may be responsible for juvenile shit like gun fetishism and macho fuckery, but mothers “protecting their sons” seems to give boys and young men a huge head start in developing sexist and misogynistic attitudes.

“Have you tried teaching your sons to not be sexist little fucks?”

The teen girl’s mother has also been told by other parents that her daughters need to cover up for “the sake of their sons.”

Because white folks see POCs as objects

That happened to my 9 year old! We were at a children’s museum and she was wearing a crop top. Some lady took her photo without my permission or knowing and posted it on a fb mom blog mom shaming me and and slut shaming my kid. She is 9! She wasn’t trying to be sexual! She wore it because she likes crop tops and she

Sure, September 11th.  Probably no one will do or say anything disgusting on that specific day.

How in the worlds an adult do you do that to a teen girl and not realize you are the villain in this story?

My jaw dropped as I read this. I hope this girl’s parents is able to teach her that there’s nothing wrong with her body.

Why is it okay for that parent to take and share an inappropriate picture of a child?

09/10/19 Journal entry:

People are still garbage.
Maybe tomorrow?

The Washington Post reports that previously a parent took a photo of her backside and shared it with other parents

And a lipstick.

In Rihanna’s purse:  (5) $100 bills (new, crisp, folded), 2 joints, a mini bic lighter and an Amex Black card.  All a gal needs. 

But I find Alden Ehrenreich and Taron Egerton FAR more attractive than Ansel Elgort.  But that’s likely because they don’t come across as douches during interviews.

Nerve damage is common in facelifts and since they are cutting nerves that manage your facial muscles, sometimes speech can be affected for awhile until those pathways heal again (if they ever do). 

Which is funny, because all three had their names come up in discussion for the role of Young Harrison Ford in the Solo movie. 

Looks better than Simon Cowell’s new face...almost sure someone melted the Madame Tussauds wax dummy.