
Now just waiting for the British tabloids to excoriate Megan for leaving poor Archie - at five months old still basically a newborn fresh out the oven dripping and crying on the hospital bed - so she can spirit away for an extravagant, outrageous girls’ trip to see her friend. The selfishness! The neglect!

Some long movies don’t feel that long but this one did. I didn’t find part one scary but thought I may as well see part two anyway. I’m not a fan of all the special effect stuff. Tim Curry did such a good job of being super creepy mostly by just being super creepy (apart from the teeth). The special effects just put

I don’t think you know what reviewing is if you think a person should be ‘objective’ when reviewing something.

“This movie is so meandering, so stuffed with easily excisable scenes whose revelations wick off with the arrival of the next fit-for-the-cutting-room-floor vignette, it’s as though everyone made this all up as they went along. What a strange effect for an adaptation of a legendary Stephen King book to have.”

Have you seen the book though? It's like a hundred thousand pages long. I read it in paperback and it was (almost) thicker than it was tall

I really miss thinking Nicki was a feminist. She very much seems to be the “I got mine” and “he didn’t abuse me” type, if not worse- between this and defending her child rapist brother and repping for/giving a huge platform to known child abuser Tekashi6ix9ine. It’s beyond not caring or giving a fuck, it’s like she

“Convicted sex offender” puts it mildly. Kenneth Perry abducted and forcibly raped his victim at knifepoint, the kind of rape that even most rape apologists can recognize as a crime. He’s also killed a man, was charged with second degree murder, and served time for manslaughter after pleading down. 

And the soundbite- ‘Well, she was a celebrity boyfriend’ is just sad high school mess coming from that woman. 

Still not understanding how difficult it could possibly be to say “Ma’am, you need to leave, and if you refuse to vacate the premises we will be contacting LAPD to serve trespass notice.” Not that hard.  Retail betches gotta do it all the time.  There is no “either side,” there’s one asshole and three people being

There they go White Womaning again. That woman was wrong, regardless of the races involved. She deserved zero sympathy and zero “support”. That she went off on black women just means the well-meaning liberal woke white women will go back to their institutionally racist roots and circle the wagons to protect other

The white woman who had a racist meltdown over the parking space (🙄) wasn’t actually a member, she was the guest of a member.

At one of their weddings, in a monumental act of self-sacrifice and discipline I stopped myself from quoting the Princess Bride “Mawwiage” speech

In their email to membership, the Wing’s Gelman and Kassan wrote that “we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,” adding that they’ll “work to improve our own internal processes and policies,”

“we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,”

Katie Hopkins calling anyone else a nobody? That is rich.

What gets me is that there is a Royal who has convorted with an actual pedophile and may have done so himself, but yes, let’s have two embittered women snipe about Meghan “I glow with happiness’ Markle.

Not be white.

She’s gorgeous and in love and has a lot of power. Que escandalo!

They thought this was a great soundbite?

Preface: I love Brit Brit! Buuuuttttt...