
But makes sense, based on her limited intelligence thanks to Scientology’s “dumbening”( to steal from The Simpsons) of most Celebs common sense.

I know she’s known for her music, but Missy Elliot has a hell of a visual aesthetic as well. I’m not into rap much, but I always watch her videos—they’re f’n beautiful.

This should have been front page news

Thanks Dan, this is just the kind of hard-hitting investigative journalism I come to Deadspin for.

[extremely Elton John voice] get that, chonky cat

Still not as big of a pussy as Jim Spanfeller is, amirite?!?!?

This chonky cat makes me Remember late-era Andres Galarraga. Thank you for this laser focused sports content.

Well, I’m glad you’ve shared your opinion on something you’ve never seen as a comment to an idiotic article about someone watching the last episode of show without any context. We’re all smarter now.

If Miley has seven dogs and three cats travelling at 25 km/h, how much rocket fuel would it take to shoot her into orbit?

Can we please stop the trope of ‘I’ve never seen this thing but I’m going to write about it”  Ignorance is not instructive or charming.  Informed opinions are.

Beware of horse heads on the bed though.

So Missy Elliott is clearly in the group of “we don’t age”persuasion. Love the song - made me feel like the drunk teenager I was once was, with a fake ID dancing in the club to Get Your Freak On... nearly 20 years ago (WTF).

The point of the movie is not that Kevin Spacey is a hero to be emulated. It is about the shallow and hollow nature of American suburban life.

Kinda wish it was called the Avengers Academy, since that’d make sense for training new agents (and sometimes detaining mutant children). 

But I just told him I wanted an early-2000s vibe because that was my favorite era of music.”

UNPOPULAR OPINION: Ding dong the witch is dead - I couldn’t be happier that Bethanny is gone! Sure she brought ALL the drama but I have never liked her and never understood how anyone could want to spend their free time with her who wasn’t equally as insufferable.

But there is no Ball to drop. If Sony and Disney walk away, chances are they will reboot everything again. They can’t take the existing cast and story and make a new film, there would be way to much they’d have to side step and ignore. They wouldn’t ever be able to reference MCU people or events ever again. Sony

Or any of the Stark suits, references to past events, Nick Fury, SHIELD, Happy Hogan, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Spider-verse may be an exception to the rule. Venom only made bank because international box office. I'm very curious to see how cocky Sony is if and when Morbius bombs.