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Sounds like she was working the old Casey Kasem maneuver on him.

This painting is so fucking lazy. Like, yes, Ashley Reese, that IS a cathedral, because it’s the worst rendering of the interior of Notre Dame that I’ve seen since Disney’s Hunchback movie. There are so many, many things Mcnaughton should be ashamed of irrespective of his ‘art’ but this shit is e g r e g i o u s l y b

You’re not the only one seeing it. I thought it might be Dr. King at first, but that would be impossible because then we’d just be seeing a blur (from all that spinning in his grave).

Also, any “influencer” out there promoting open-face, leather-less, ripped-pants on a motorcycle can fuck straight off into a horrible, disfigured death. It’s hard enough to keep my teenager from doing a somewhat limited set of stupid shit.

This. She claims she hit the pavement, then WHERE IS THE BLOOD? That is dirt rubbed on her shoulder. Her pre-ripped overalls show no real signs of wear other than a little dirt. Cheap denim like that would be absolutely shredded and even if she landed grass her whole side would be nothing be dirt and grass stains.

I was only going around 45mph one cold cold morning when I forgot how to keep the rubber side down and went sliding along the concrete. That tore through my riding jeans, the right arm of my jacket to the armor, and completely shredded my gloves. I’m also suspicious of her injuries.


When I went over the handlebars after a ill advised downshift into first at 70 MPH I was wearing the helmet on the right, I also hit my shoulder about the same place she did. It went thru the leather jacket, thru the padding and scuffed the Hard Armor underneath. Ripped my gloves to shreds and scuffed a large portion

What The Actual Fuck.  I hate these people with every cell in my body.

Bullshit. I’ve had better roadrash from fucking on carpet.

Seriously this is why everyone hates my generation...

Amazing how the bike stood itself back up on the kickstand. Or that his first instinct was to stand it back up...

For real. Also, on top of the stupid focus on the water, neither of the helmets in the “crash” photo match her helmet in the previous photo. And she was only sore the next day? Fucking no road rash or bruises or grass stains(crashing on a bicycle will give you hella road rash, so you’re going to be banged up good on a

Different bikes, and different helmets.. atgatt please.

Bull. It’s not even the same helmet in the before/after photos.

She said she scraped up her left side but she’s lying on her right side. And the bike is upright and on the road.  Neither helmet appears like it had a collision with the ground.

My ex crashed his bike with full gear on and it still wrecked his skin. There is no way she’d look like that in that outfit. That crash completely ruined our lifes, so if she staged this fuck her.

I’ve seen more road rash from someone falling off a bicycle while stopped.

Friends of friends were supposed to get married last weekend. Instead, a funeral service was held on their wedding day because some woman in a car hit and ran the motorcyclist groom. If this chick staged this, she can rot.

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