
But they’ll claim it was to fix a deviated septum...on their ass.

I often forget that Mr. Robot is still technically on the air. I was lttp for the first season but watched it all before the second, and now I can’t tell you anything about what happened since the first season. Operation Mayhem from Fight Club? BD Wong looking pretty? Bobby Cannavale’s insistence on being in every

I don’t think Will and Kate had concerns about Meghan. I think so-called royal experts had a problem with Meghan because so many got their predictions wrong and more people see how dried up the sources about the younger royals are for the older royal reporters. Ingrid Seward in particular is desperate to hang on to

they should name the next one Moana :)

Ha, good one!

Trust me, it’s abundantly clear that the staff at my CVS aren’t doing any of that shit. They gave me the wrong dose of a medicine and didn’t even apologize when I pointed it out! And I have had the same medicines on auto fill every month with CVS for the last eight years—yet they still manage to constantly fuck it up.

I am inclined to believe that firing her dumb ass somehow has saved lives. She should look into being one of those people that check your receipt when you leave Best Buy.

cvs sucks utterly and completely, that’s a given. however, as someone who used to be a pharmacist, there’s more going on than just counting pills. there’s a lot that goes on that people don’t know about. cvs also routinely understaffs its stores.

i used to be a retail pharmacist and, for a VERY short time, worked for cvs. something i learned from working retail - pbm’s are evil. what i learned from cvs - cvs is FUCKING EVIL and INCOMPETENT to the point of criminal negligence.

Did Churchill not have any mirrors in his home?

That’s here in Rochester, NY. Shame is, that video *could* have been a commercial for how easy it is to fly here. Look at the line, or lack thereof. There’s zero waiting. I guess the TSA agent had too much time on her hands. Now she has more. I hope they handed her a note... “You Fired”


Supposedly Lady Astor acosted Winson Churchill at one of her soiree’s with the statement “ Winston you’re drunk!” Whereupon Churchill replied And you Madam are ugly! Tomorrow I’ll be sober”

Say what you will about Netflix but the official position of Reed Hastings(the CEO) is that more harm than good will come from trying to crack down on password sharing. It comes up in earnings calls and he’s repeatedly said it’s more important to make sure the user experience is good than to implement stronger

MAGAts won’t even denounce a pedophile if it meant not being able to take a shot at someone else.

Probably: D) All Of The Aforementioned

Igor suddenly seems panicked and shows Nestel the door.

May I ask you one more question?

Now playing

I’m a 64-year-old American from Ohio, and back in my childhood when I was learning how to speak everyone around me pronounced “data” as “day-tuh,” particularly in the phrase “data processing.” If you said “dah-tuh” people took it you were talking about a school of modern art involving urinals that had been autographed