
Good gossip columnists not only know where the body was buried, they know when it was buried, by who, why there’s a body in the first place, and what brand of shovel was used to dig the hole.

“They are great together when they are happy,” says the source.

I’m sorry for any victim of sexual abuse, and Kloss has my sympathies. This is a credible story of abuse. His rhetoric skews a little MRA-lite though and that’s troubling—I wish he were using his story to encourage more male victims of sexual abuse to come forward instead of saying “Look! Males aren’t the problem!”

Right, a pointless documentary about what appears to be an ill conceived and poorly acted mostly ad-libbed circle jerk of a movie that was shit-canned before it could tarnish the reputations of everyone involved.

Also, not complex.  You want to fuck other people, he doesn’t.  Not hard at all. 

I think it's very confusing to Miley Cyrus that people don't really care that she is married.

That necklace is fugly.

In 1996, he conceived a movie about a “group of friends who go to a diner late at night

I remember him not dying in 2005's Constantine. And electrocuting Keanu Reeves’ bare feet.

I’m unsurprised she did this because she’s young, dumb, white and privileged, but damn bitch - take off the Snoop shirt.  Taking tone deaf to a whole different level. 

A queen who obviously skips leg day. (Not my joke, stolen from Twitter but it made me giggle)

The other rich kid friends of Olivia Jade posting “GO OFF!!!” and “OH SHE DID THAT” on her photo is downright embarrassing. Peak wealthy white privilege. 

the whitest picture of the summer

If it weren’t for gerrymandering, voter suppression and trainloads of dark money the Republican party would have ceased to exist by now.

Good thing the SCOTUS just put the red rubber stamp on gerrymandering. Between that, the EC, and the Senate itself, the only way they maintain power is cheating. The system seriously needs to change, as I’m fucking sick of somebody’s vote in Wyoming being worth like 100x more than mine.

They are the ruling minority.

40% of party registered voters in the US are Democrats, only 25% are Republican. Its becoming increasingly difficult for them to keep up the pretense that their either the ‘silent majority’ or the ‘moral majority’. Because they’re certainly not moral, they’re certainly not the majority, and unfortunately for the rest