
I used to work in a catering service so I’ve been to 200+ weddings.

As a proud fat athlete this shit makes me furious. Especially because if you’re really going to start working your core/glutes, get ready for them to get bigger before they get smaller. My fat ass has never been fatter. Higher and tighter but unless you’re punching my flexed cheeks (something I frequently make my

Wanna know my 100% tried-and-true, surefire, guaranteed way to fit your fat ass into a wedding dress?

If Stern’s kitteh is reported stolen, don’t come looking at my house. Don’t know nuthin’ about it.

So many people seem to think that dogs understand English, and are willfully being “bad”. It’s so frustrating to watch them yelling at a dog like the dog should know what they’re saying.

Naw, that’s literally you. Come from poverty and still manage to care about both humans and dogs, and absolutely would not abuse one. Maybe it’s regional, or cultural, or -al I can’t think of off the top of my head. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything here, just don’t want to be lumped in that.

But it’s not a

Dobermans are the best doggos - but they are high energy and stay in puppyhood for up to 3 years.  We had to have a trainer come in with ours because she was so annoying - but amazing!  We were so lucky to have her, but everytime I met another doberman owner we’d bond over what jerks our dogs were.   So yeah - she

And zero talent and or charm. I want to go back to the days when celebrity meant you had at least some kind of talent or skill to offer.

I want to do to this bitch what she did to Sphinx. A few times.  Then I’d like to formally invite Sphinx to come live with me and my 75lb doberman, 100lb german shepherd, who incidentally have NEVER FUCKING BEEN HIT OR SPAT UPON AND NEVER WILL BE UPON PAIN OF DEATH. I hope she’s forced into some kind of therapy to

I generally agree with you, but there are actually many interesting and informative YouTube videos. I’m just sick of all the people like this woman who think they can make a living by getting other people to watch their mundane lives. 

That video is disgusting and is absolutely abusive. I can’t believe I’m agreeing with a Paul but her shift into angry, abuse mode and the look on her face is really chilling. She is so violent and spiteful to that poor dog who confused, just responds with love and playfulness, it’s heartbreaking. It’s the kind of

she screams at the dog, strikes him in the face, aggressively shoves him, grabs him by the fur, forces the pup to the floor and spits on him

I looked at some of her videos and there’s quite a bit of editing with many cuts, so I wonder just how much abuse she’s edited out of her previous videos. That poor dog is a saint, she hits, kicks and even spits on him and he still does nothing, not even the tiniest little growl. She doesn’t deserve that dog or any

When are people going to move on from YouTube celebrities. They are useless and unnecessary, basically human nuisances. I don’t even understand how it’s entertaining to watch .

Before any of you too young to remember start up, I call her Miss Peggy Lee (not Ms) because she always billed herself as Miss Peggy Lee. In fact some of us olds still just call her MPL. And she is held in the highest reverence.

Now playing

I’m in favor of anything that brings a new generation of fans to the songs of the late great Miss Peggy Lee, singer, songwriter and consummate arranger. Worth noting that every songriter today owes her a debt because of this specific score.

The third episode of Legends of Tomorrow’s fifth season is titled, “Slay Anything” according to Keto Shimizu on Twitter.

I want to watch that movie.

The Last Human...