
My assumption has always been that prestigious schools lower their standards to accept celebrities/ celebrities’ children for the PR, the connections and the finances. Do we really think Chet Haze would have gotten into U of Chicago if he wasn’t Tom Hank’s kid?

I literally don’t understand why she did what she did when she could have just gone the Dr. Dre route (distasteful but legal) and built a building.  It’s both bad parenting and monumentally stupid.

Lori Laughlin is delusional. There are plenty of wealthy people who are actually in touch with their child’s capabilities, interests and needs, who would never pull a scam like she and Mossimo did to get the kid into a school that the kid was uninterested in and unqualified to attend.

I hope that sweet baby is reunited with his family. I feel terrible for them; I can’t imagine not knowing where my sweet babies are and if they’re safe.

These are my sweet bees:

He would be the same person Before and After in a Snickers comercial.

At least she seems to be admitting that being an influencer isn’t real work. That’s a step in the right direction. I look forward to her YouTube account being removed just to see if she compares it to desecration of a corpse. 

Jay....sucking harder than he’s ever sucked.”

I remember those days, when my wife would get clogged milk ducks.  I’d make some hot compresses, and I’d have to chase the little bastards around the living room, finally pinning them down and trying to hold the warm wash cloths and hot water bottles onto the squirmy, squishy little guys. Then after a few minutes, my

Milk ducks does having me giggling though. Am considering changing it back. 

I’d rather read 10 Kardashian posts than 1 Wendy Williams post. Trainwrecks are not entertaining.

Thank you for this. I feel better knowing that these assholes do this on purpose.

That’s a strange world you live in, where the only fashion options are “Rainbow Brite” or “25 year old sex kitten”.

Why are there only 5 years olds at her ‘Sweet 16’ party? Also NorthWest was there. I’d love for pics from her actual party with I’m guessing Maddy Zeigler and other Hollywood teens to slip out.. I love her top. It’s very Kiss/Bowie inspired. 

I think his slaves would have something to say about that “self made” claim.

Sounds kind of like my five year old’s reaction when I made him tour the mansion. In my kids defense though, it was Presidents’ Day and we waited in some ridiculous line in a lot of wind. And even he likes the grounds and museums otherwise.

I would have been a few years ago. Now, it just seems par for the course, unfortunately...

I’m honestly astounded that this isn’t satire.

It feels like she’s going for blue steel and keeps coming up with crumpled aluminum. 

I hope Blue grows up to be anything but in The Business. The comparisons would be never-ending and harsh, even if she became an incredible artist of some kind in her own right.

How come people always talk about faith getting them through a very public scandal AFTER they’ve done bad things? Where was your faith BEFORE you intentionally decided to be a selfish asshole?