
It’s getting dark *to dark to see

no. 20% is an extremely generous tip. Call me a fucking jerk all you want. Tipping is stupid and sexist, and we should be pushing for a change that sees servers paid a fair wage and doesn’t put customers in that awkward situation of tipping. IT DOES NOT CREATE BETTER SERVICE. And you know what? The 2% they’re shorted


before that even. he was known to have groomed a child in 2010, when the Jesse Slaughter video came out. She was 11.

It’s metal for 12-year-old girls, who do deserve loud music they can call their own. The part that baffles me (besides the raping and getting away with it part) is that the 12-year-old girls haven’t moved on and left this guy to die while living in a burned-out car under a freeway overpass. Tweens aren’t exactly known

This has been going on for fucking ever and nothing seems to happen. Jeffree Star twitter-ranted about him like four years ago and then the next day was like “hi i was wrong.”

Gidget knows her name, and will come running when I call her. She’ll also mysteriously appear anytime chicken is being served. 

My current floofball Felicia knows her full name plus all of her nickname variants, but she can’t seem to figure out that 3:00 in the morning is an unacceptable time for breakfast.

Is this where we shamelessly post pictures of our cats? Chili knows her name, and will look disaprovingly when called. Cornbread is still a youngin’ and hasn’t caught on yet. (Neither is aware of exactly how dumb I am for giving them such ridiculously delightful names.)

I had a black cat named Sebastian that would nap on the back of the couch. If I said the word “cat” his ears would twitch, even though he was supposed to be asleep. If I said his name he would open his eyes slightly, give me a classic cat look, and then go back to his nap. Every cat I’ve lived with knew their name and

Both of my barn cats come when they’re called and my Siamese used to as well (RIP Miso). I never had any doubts that they know their names. 

Is this news? My current cat comes when I call her name, and most of my previous cats would at least look around if they heard theirs. I always assumed they just didn’t give a f*ck about what I wanted, not that they didn’t associate those particular sounds with me talking to them. 

You should be very concerned. Access to the site requires insertion of an anal probe.

I kinda related to this. A lot of men seem like they’d prefer a girlfriend pillow to an actual woman they have to interact /communicate / work for success with. I interpreted her “I’m shockingly available” as saying she’s not as inaccessible due to her beauty/finances/career as men might think. Was that what you meant

That Lohan thinks any major studio would get anywhere near her is a clear indicator that extensive drug use has lasting effects on brain function.

It’s not shaped that way. Gwendolyn is serving by strategically waving her arms like wings before every shot to display it to its absolute best advantage. It makes me love her all the more. Here’s the dress on the runway:

Sean Bean still lookin sexy as fuck. IDC, fight me. 

A friend convinced me to finally start watching GOT. Since I didn’t want to miss this cultural moment of Season 8, I am now bleary-eyed and weary from having binged this over the past 6 weeks and listening to podcast recaps. So much/too much information everywhere! One question - you mention that Jack Gleeson’s

So Gwendoline Christie won the red carpet, right?

I find Lea Michele to be an *eyeroll* personified, but she can sing circles around LL, and she brings a youthful vibe that fits with Ariel being a teenager in the story. With her world-wariness and throaty rasp, LL would be better suited to voicing Ursula (though fortunately they had the good sense to cast Harvey