
If it’s true what I read earlier that he’s been “passed around for years” I’m extra-horrified. In that Madeline documentary, one of the (I believe) Portugal officials emphasized the number of sexually-exploitive images of children that can be found on the dark web, and how these children are held captive, but that

Even if they find out the kid isn’t the missing boy I hope he gets the help and care he needs. 

It’s hilarious bc she is tiny and adorable but there was some heft to that hit. 

A hearty fuck-you to the men who decided to display this picture in full during her disciplinary hearing.

But wouldn’t be great if ALL the stories he told turned out to be true about how he got the smile?

Best joker. Gave so little care that he just had them paint over his mustache.

That’s cute and wholesome. Which is what family pranks should be? Never understood the joy of doing something genuinely cruel or painful to someone you love. Spritz of water from that rubber band trick? Fine. Making someone think their beloved dog is being taken away? Unforgivable. 

But multiple Real Housewives are unable to feature their children on the show due no other reason than their ex-husband’s refusal to consent. I’m sure the laws that govern YouTube/Instagram are very different, but I’d have to doubt that extreme circumstances are required. 

I got this off reddit from someone who follows this trainwreck:

One year when I was a young kid my dad, being an early riser, came pounding on our bedroom door saying we were going to be late for the bus. We all freaked out and ran downstairs. It was Saturday, April 1, and he had made pancakes. How is this hard, internet dipshits?

sweet sweet click money. Then when she starts lying to them about every little thing (if she hasn’t already) they’ll wonder why.

These are exactly the kind of “parents who wonder why their kids move away the minute they turn 18 and never keep in touch afterwards.

She cried for like, two minutes, and she’s the happiest kid ever now.

“Where’s Andre???”

I remember a long time ago several of the designers actually making their models cry because they were plus sized. If you can’t dress a plus size woman, then you shouldn’t be a designer- that’s on you. Also, Siriano is the best thing to come out of Project Runway- (ok aside from Tin Gunn and Santinos hilarious

None of the contestants on Project Runway have ever been at the student level. Nadine, the designer who went home last week and who is being discussed here, is almost 50.

I predict that some time in his tween years, that kid will go through a phase (a la Joaquin Pheonix’s brief stint as “Leaf”) where he wonders why he doesn’t have a quirky name like his siblings, and will thereby redub himself as Vatican or Leather.

Does Bristol have a new boyfriend yet that she is absolutely, positively not having sex with?

Kim Kardashian is thinking of naming her next kid Rob West, after her brother.

“God has called me to my peaceful place. Even with the loud music and lights and all, a strip club can be like a church. God makes it rain in all ways.”