
When the writer can’t imagine anything lasting 25 years, she probably hasn’t heard of a movie that came out 42 years ago.

Yeah I... haven’t seen a whole lot of Denzel movies in which the character he was playing needed to be black for the role to make sense, barring his historical pieces like Glory. Maybe MBJ has only watched Denzel’s period pieces?

I’m not saying that a right-wing white man will have double standards when it comes to men and women, but a right-wing white man will have double standards when it comes to men and women

Idk where MBJ gets the idea that Denzel only takes “black” roles. Yeah, he has certainly had his share of iconic black roles, but he’s also done a fair number of roles in his career that weren’t bound by race. Saying you prize DiCaprio or Pitt’s careers (because there’s obviously no debate in the talent department -

“If a woman needs to defend so fiercely the ‘one thing they can call their own—their body,’ then they shouldn’t be so careless with it as to have sex when they are not ready to be pregnant,” he wrote in the essay from 2004.

The kind of white women NBC was courting with Kelly’s hire only wants to be racist in private or in the voting booth. They don’t want it reflected back to them. It’s why they get pissed when caught on camera and why they rejected Megyn Kelly.

That doll is definitely Romany Malco. They got their black actors mixed up...

You obviously weren’t raised in a Big 10 household - the University of Michigan mascot is generally spoken of quite often either with pride or disgust, depending on your parent’s rooting interests.

Pretty sure you’ve given your money to neither, so there’s that.

Jeeze, kind of a dick aside about Lee. I’m not even going to be snarky or witty in this reply, it was just a total dick comment there, dude.

I was waiting for a comment like this. We can do both - give assistance to people and animals. Not only do you not know if she has given money to other organizations but she may have done some research and found out that funding for disaster assistance for animals was not being properly funded. Plus more importantly -

I agree, but I think we can also help both. I say this as someone who’s brother-in-law had to evacuate for this fire and my parents recently lost their home to the Carr fire. It’s devastating all around and my heart breaks for the people and the animals. My parents live on a mountain and even though their home is

I’ve always liked her. Good on her for contributing.

This is so heart breaking. Good for you, Sandy.

While our infantile president is a heartless maniac who has no empathy, nor any humanity for anybody, it breaks my heart to see these dogs roam the burned out streets of Paradise City.

None of mine were valid, so now I’m expected to go to a location in-person. And wait.  And wait.  And wait.  To talk. To people. To safeguard my identity from people using a service that I neither wanted or asked for.

So lemme get this right. The Post Office creates a service that I am positive not a lot of people know about, that makes us even more susceptible to scammers!? I know and care for several elderly people and I have had several instances fighting back the wolves. So at first glance, this is infuriating.

nicki is complete garbage and the only thing worse than her is all the people who continue to support her. 

Tekashi69 ... I really wish he would get his

Patrick Stewart is timeless and therefore ageless.