
Then at your recommendation (and a few others) I most certainly will, and I hope that my opinion is changed.

Judy Davis wasn't afraid to junkie up to play late stage Garland, and as I recall she was pretty good. I'll confess I don't have the same faith in Zellweger.

I remember when I thought my friend’s wife was odd for taking her placenta, burying it in her yard, and planting a tree on top of it. Good times, good times.

I didn’t think the movie was that good, but Rami Malek isn’t the reason why - I blame the script. It was a good first draft, but the time spent recreating Live Aid would’ve been better spent showing the making of the Flash Gordon soundtrack. Or the Highlander soundtrack. Or Innuendo.

wait do we not like dennis quaid? i like dennis quaid. i mean, nothing against harrison ford, i just never thought of dennis as a poor man's anything. 

I saw it last night, and he was amazing. He strutted and preened onstage, then often seemed to fold into himself with uncertainty offstage. And his upper lip had a tremble as he talked and tried not to expose his upper teeth.

So he’s just that whatever-that-song-was dude, while she’s *drumroll* a big star, when in reality he has sold a s***load of albums while her career is basically dead for two decades now (Nothing after You’ve Got Mail came even close to being successful).

I second what Citizen Kang said. I saw it Tuesday as I was avoiding watching election night returns, and thought Malek was at his best as Mercury in the concert scenes. He really captures Mercury’s sense of fearlessness and drama as a performer.

I respect Mellencamp because he salutes Black artist’s achievements, and is very vocal regarding equal rights.He can rock on.

I thought Malek did a great job and so did my kids and wife. Granted, we’re not expert critics, but I’ve been a Queen fan since high school and I enjoyed Malek’s Mercury far more than I thought I would. As for its authenticity, I didn’t have the pleasure of associating with the Queen frontman so I can’t attest to

My wife and I saw Bohemian Rhapsody Tues night and kept laughing at how hard it was for Rami Malek to contort him mouth to deliver English dialogue AND keep his fake teeth in. It kept forcing him to ‘stretch’ his face in this weird motion.

Until the guy running it teleports you into his rape dungeon. 

He was a piece of shit who didn’t deserve to go out that way but won’t be missed except by twentysomethings with too much time on their hands.

Yes, but the British government did have to approve the program, and did so incredibly quickly: the first Kindertransport of 200 Jewish children (including my mother, who was 15) arrived at Harwich on Dec. 2, 1938, only three weeks after Kristallnacht. By contrast, the USA did nothing. Look up the proposed

“...Joe is not expected to be released until sometime next year...”


This has all the markings of an incel idiot who can’t get laid to save his life taking it out on the objects of his lust. the past couple weeks we’ve had:

First thing I thought when a hot yoga studio was targeted is that this is another George Sodini.