
With Jude Law in the mix, I feel like this could be a sequel to Closer where Alice becomes a pop star and Dan spends his middle age riding her coattails.

How is “P.C.,” in fact, not completely synonymous with “sensitive” in this context?

Oh, understood. It’s just that I don’t recall them reporting on Matt lauer’s shitty behavior the same way.

I’m coming again, to clear out Washington, just like those filthy vendors I kicked out of the temple!  But this time, the temple is America, and the vendors shill TRUMP.

Thank you for eloquently saying “fuck them” 

Lookit, we all need to understand that, for the right wing, they are at war with everyone who doesn’t share their values. It’s right there in all their rhetoric: culture wars, and wars on Christmas, and wars on Christianity, and wars on drugs, and wars on men, and war war war. Maybe we need to consider that ‘going h

This is also just fucking stupid - do the people that send these things think Hillary is walking down to the mail box and just opening whatever packages are there? Do they think Soros opens his own fucking mail?

You should bitch-slap your dad and pee on him to assert dominance.

Was his home vandalized with bombs?

Ya I’m guessing these same people would just as quickly pretend Tim McVeigh didn’t exist.

This is a faked story clearly dreamt up by Communist Clinton and Overspend Obama to hurt Republicans in the midterms!” - My dad, more than likely

Just some passionate, patriotic individuals. People who love their nation. Nationalists, I believe they’re called.

i’m really glad they found all three of these devices before something awful happened.

GOP: Let’s immediately begin an investigation into Hillary Clinton sending a bomb to herself!

and power Jews.. what group’s value align with that?

hillary lost. barack is done.

Clearly there are very fine people on both sides

I’ve already seen comments claiming that this must be a plot by the Democrats to drum up fear of the GOP, and that they mailed them to themselves.