
Good luck trying to fit an armchair in the freezer

I don’t know where to put this observation so I’ll leave it with you, Jer: How in the world did the topic ever come up?

It is baffling that whenever white people like Megyn Kelly engage with race they always choose the lowest gutter viewpoint possible. Why can’t they say the n-word? Why can’t they dress in blackface?

“I’ve never been a PC kind of person.”

I realize now that such behavior is indeed wrong, and I am sorry. The history of blackface in our culture is abhorrent; the wounds too deep.”

I found a much better one for 45.00.

I would also like to have the kind of monthly allowance that allows me to have frivolous shit like a $400 glass purse.

Well, he’s white.

Oh, they were already broken.

i had that thought for a half a second, too, but she’s a white mom to black kids. she hears vile, hateful shit all the goddamn time, which means she has had to learn to sort out what’s noise and what’s a real threat in a fraction of a second, or else she’d never be able to live her damn life. apparently, she’s good at

Scott Lloyd is a monster who literally declared that he alone had the right to decide if a raped teenager could get an abortion (spoiler alert; no!). He thinks he is carrying out God’s plan for the children in his care. That anyone put him in charge of children is a disgrace.

It’s half-assed because trump has no idea who he is or what he’s done. Like half a fart, not quite a shit, out his heinous anus.

This race is neck and neck. If he ekes out a win (via voter suppression, or whatever other tricks he has up his sleeve through the election), then it’s just another sign that democracy is well and truly dead in America. I’ll wait until 2020 to call it, but this is the scariest part of it all. We’ve already accepted

Sue. Anyone but a Police Officer would be charged with assault and endangering a minor, and child abuse.


“And then he stuck his neck into my mouth. He stuck his neck into my mouth ten times!”

In the wild, the males are more transitory, and the females really only want them around when they are in a mood to breed. Matriarch lionesses will only breed with a male that can demonstrate physical dominance, and mating is quite violent, sometimes to the point that the male wounds the female significantly.

I’m genuinely curious about the part of the statement that claims she was standing between him and their three year old female cub, which would be a full grown breeding aged lioness by now... I’m guessing his captive brain was like “that’s female, I should fuck it” and the mother was like “over your dead body”?

If I ever saw 3 lionesses coming at me like that I would assume I was as good as dead. I mean, hell, if I ever saw 3 house cats coming at me like that I would assume I was as good as dead

Because locking animals who need to be out in the African plain into cages and small habitats makes them behave in unusual ways? Imprisonment tends to do that.