
C’Mon Rose...get over yourself. The movement was always about more than you. I feel bad for your pain, but you can’t erase that by bullying other survivors. Maybe you’re not invited places because you’re sort of a dick who wants to control the narrative? Maybe? Ya think?

#metoo wasn't born in Hollywood and it won't die there either. 

I found your article from Samantha Bee’s web site. So insightful that it brought me to tears- thank you! But I was really surprised to see this comment after such a great article. I don’t think the title of this is click bait- it’s actually just a flat description.

I wanted to be able to share this article on my facebook page to educate all the ultra religious family members and friends that I have on why abortions are a medical necessity, but I can’t do it now because you’re being unprofessional in the comments section. They’re never going to listen now. Even a little thing

yeah, that doesn’t change anything. There are alot of people that disagree that there is a “right” to have an abortion. If that wasn’t the case, it’s existence wouldn’t hang by a thread of a single justice for over 30 years.

So she should “fuck off” because of she didn’t understand correctly and the title could definitely be more reflective of the true nature of the piece. Quit being a bitch and be an actual journalist.

Wow, I find it difficult to believe you wrote this amazing article after seeing your childish responses to criticism. You need to grow up and learn how to be a professional

This is a really powerful, and well-written article, and I thank you for it. I am saddened by all that I know of this subject, what “Elizabeth” (and so many other women) have to go through, and the direction our politicians seem to be heading: back to the 13th century. And I am equally saddened by your and others’

Terrible, terrible reply. Pretty bad form for anyone to reply in this manner to someone who’s not disrespected anyone, and doubly worse coming from the article’s own author. You didn’t even give this commenter a chance to explain himself / herself, you just assumed the worst and acted totally unprofessional as a

What’s your point? You were still incredibly unprofessional and childish.

we can’t just have an honest conversation about it

So your subject said it was ok? That diesn’t make your statement any more professional. Great article and all I found it quite engrossing but your response is completely unprofessional. With that said I should probably get back to work.

Wow! Sore subject for everyone I guess. Which is legit, this shit really matters (reproductive rights that is.) Did anyone read her replies? I didn’t think she sounded like a troll and it seems to have been a misunderstanding. If my (and a load of people’s ) initial interpretation of her comment had been right I’d

ok. maybe you think this person doesn’t have a point. but you are not being the thing you wish they were. best of luck.

the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”

That is your response to a very fair comment. Do you expect to be taken serious?

eeeeeeeeasy! even I see the title being misunderstood so chill out ffs.

Super unprofessional...

Nice answer. So much for a discussion here. (and I’m pro-choice)