
It’s football. Because you use your feet to move the ball around. The only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands are the goalies, whose job it is to catch it.

That’s not staypuft getting hit in the nuts, but I agree with the sentiment, this is ‘ow my balls’ the movie kind of comedy.

I like Bandersnatch Cumberbund.


I am 100% certain that you do not care what anyone thinks about you (or at least you make sure to try and make us believe that) but I’m here to tell you that your constant scorched earth chase around the kinja with Hoyo is becoming boring at best and severely derailing at worst.

You do realize that someone has to agree that they are speaking on behalf of others in order for them to actually be doing that, right?

Class IS in session!

Except here, where you’re talking down to another man in defense of women. Dude, as an actual woman? We got this. We do not need your help, ever.

As a queer woman, I’m kinda scratching my head trying to figure out what you were offended by? His explanation of historical fact? Straight white feminists have, as a group, historically not always been friendly to women of color, queer women, and trans women. That’s truth.

Your entire argument against Hoyo is an example of you speaking for someone else. You’re too deep into your own hypocrisy to even see the forest for the trees.

You’re not saying much of anything, really.

Ok, I can see how you didn’t know you were trying to speak for other people because you have no self awareness. Now you know though, so you really should stop. Because as you recognized, they don’t need you to speak for them. Which is what you were doing.

And if you don’t even know if what he said was incorrect, why

The truth is the truth, regardless of who is saying it. You don’t have to be a member of any particular group to say something that is true. If people were only allowed to speak on behalf of those exactly like themselves, no one would ever be able to represent any group, ever.

And what, they need you to stick up for them? Do they need you to white knight? You know you are trying to speak for them yourself, right?

I mean, is anything he said even incorrect?

Apparently they need you to save them!

The society in which we operate, which is heterosexist, allows for even well-intentioned banter to turn into insidious patronizing. I have friends who will say but as a so and so, I couldn’t possibly understand. That shit is hella patronizing to me because though I’m not a woman, I can bring myself to understand

I gave you a historical 411. Lesbian feminists were excluded by hetero feminists from being active participants in the Second Wave of Feminism (the same way white women tried to exclude black women and their concerns). The lesbionic sisterfriends were all hell no and decided to force their way into feminism. Had they

I'm a homo and lesbians are part of my community. Amy will never understand what those ladies go through in their valiant struggles to get through their days, alive and well. Homophobia isn't something one is immune from because you're a feminist.