
This post defines "tldr." Where's our down vote button?

I am very short on time here, so I can only leave you for now with this recap and a few bits of thought and analysis.

By all means keep writing! I think it’s solid that you’re engaging with the material like this and I usually do enjoy reading it.

This is brutal dude. I’m all for having your own thoughts and reactions, but why not stop after the first paragraph where you link to your own comment on your own kinja page? Or, as has been suggested, take it to the o-deck? When your original comment is longer, and less in-depth than the article you are commenting

5) She didn’t have Needle with her

Once, right before he leapt on the plane that crashed in the artic water.

But wasn’t Arya able to peel a jaqen face off Jaqen, then underneath were several other faces, including Arya’s? The mechanics of faceless man cosplaying are confusing.

Except for the part that all they ever did was kiss once briefly at the end of The First Avenger.

Don’t they have to literally collect someone’s face, as in peel it off the skull? We saw him doing that last week. Unless I missed something (which I fully admit is possible, I have bad memory for stuff like this), I thought it wasn’t that they could look like anyone, it’s that they could wear other faces they have

Except he wasn’t. And it’s not like Peggy waited 70 years for Steve, a spinster who died lonely. Peggy still cared about Steve, but moved on and had her own family. I think she’d be happy Steve was able to find someone he like, even if that person was part of her family.

They kissed at the end, but they never went on a date. Steve became frozen in the ice as soon as Peggy admitted her feelings for Steve. It was very much the chaste 40's era romance from Hollywood movies.

If she was a direct descendant I would find it weird, but it’s like dating the cousin of your ex. Most people wouldn’t find that too weird.

Only the worthy can lift Mjhairpiece.

No no no. Jon’s hair is fantastic as it shows off his eyes and lush lips. I never even thought he was hot before with his Eddie Vedder styling. Now I’d like to ride his face to the wall and back.

I think she’ll go to the actress she saved; only person who would care about her even a bit. Although, I’m not sure how she’d help.

Of course why didn’t Jon and Sansa learn from House Mormont that Ser Davos needs to be the front man. Liam Cunningham might have the most reassuring voice in the World, he already snatched victory from the jaws of defeat earlier that episode why not let him go to work on House Glover.

Also, cannot wait for this:

Don’t forget the 24 year-old teacher tied to a cinder block at the bottom of a pond:

This week has been such a shitstorm that I didn’t expect that agreeing with something Michael Bay did would be my low point. But there it is.

It’s not actually a dog, it is Shia LaBeouf in disguise doing another stunt. A huge twist in Transformers 5 is the dog transforming into Sam Whitwicky.