
Not really a good comparison because those numbers are now stale. You need to compare to more directly analogous products, for example Captain America: Civil War it had a 250 mm budget but took in 1.06 bn in revenue (a matter of weeks after Batman v Superman was released so timing of release can not be considered an

A movie that features the two most famous superheros in the civilized world on screen together for the very first time only clearing 95 million more than a movie featuring a talking tree and a racoon that nobody (at the time) has ever heard of? Yeah, that’s underperforming.

They didn’t make enough of a profit is the argument. They expected to make 1 billion plus and enough goodwill to make more of these movies. They didn’t get to that point and definitely not goodwill, which is why Snyder is being sent out back and Geoff Johns is being brought to lead the DCEU. It’s what it is.

4 times its budget?? maybe a bit more than 3 times but do you know the box office totals does not belong to the Studio right? and you know that the reported budget does not include marketing expenses right?

It’s not even near WB all-time grossing films. Worldwide, it made 871M on a 250M budget. Just a few WB movies who made better:

Extended cuts are suppose to enrich the film, not plug the plotholes and introduce character motivation.

I’m usually against the practice as well, but this was a perfect crime of opportunity, sir...No drinking required here to feel like you did the right thing.

I blame Rob, who added that sentence.

less episodes

You really can’t judge on performances. Michael Jace seemed like a likable guy until he killed his wife in front of his kids.

For me, it was finding out "It's Clobberin' Time" was turned into a line his abusive brother said before beating the crap out of him.

Casting was abysmal. I am uninterested in Fantastic Kidz. I guess Hollywood thinks the movies have to star children to get people to attend. The dork that played Reed has a supremely annoying face. The forced diversity looked forced.

Hey Kinberg, you fucking cock! You had a director that specifically told the cast NOT to bother with the source material. So fuck you! You dipshit! Go away forever and let us have a real Doom, a Doom put on screen that have a fucking clue what they’re doing.

I think they made her a little taller for this version.

Its been a long time since i watched the harry potter movies, i never read the books, but something seems to be off about Hermine, was something lost in the books to movie translation?