
Eisenberg is a capable actor, but he cannot sell the role of Lex Luthor, no matter how good an actor he is. Columbus, yeah, he’s that character. Luthor? No way in hell.

A qubit can be in two states at once, both 0 and 1, just like Schroedinger’s cat is simultaneously alive and dead until a measurement or observation is made. But it’s a very delicate state. The quantum information must be shielded from all external noise in the surrounding environment. The slightest bit of

now we need the other state of the comment, in which the link to the related article exists...

Eisenberg’s overrated. He’s acts the exact same way in everything he’s in, and it’s just annoying. He’s never stood out in anything I’ve seen him in. He was absolutely horrible as Luthor, so this decision and not firing Snyder means I won’t be paying to see Justice League.

I’m guessing one of them is positioning its anus right at my face.

Please, DC, kill off Alexander Luthor and introduce a talented actor as Lex.

Margaery’s talent is finding out what men want to hear. That’s what she’s done with the High Sparrow.

Jaqhen said he’d get a face, one way or another. In other words, she kills the actress or she is killed. But, The Waif is going to come for Arya and find Needle and The Waif will be the face Jaquen gets. The price will be paid and Arya will leave.

Margaery is playing a long-con ... she knows Tommen is malleable and Loras is weak, so she will bring down the High Sparrow all on her own. Her machinations will cast down Cersei and take all she held dear.

My random stuff:

I’m looking forward to The Waif coming after Arya and Arya doing some murdering in the dark. :)

Black Jack Randall

I get that the show likes closing on dragons, but I think Arya blowing out the candle would have been a better capper to the episode. Dany yelling at people about how she’s going to conquer the world is something that we’ve seen before. Arya turning her back on the faceless men and The Waif being sent after her?

This week’s Random Thoughts:

to produce more specific meanings from exceedingly hot [owtor], through pretty hot [awtor], warm [etor], indifferently cold [aytor] and extremely cold [oytor], with all gradations in between.

Now playing

Right to pick Bee Gees, but...Stayin’ Alive? I’d have gone for

Its definitely one of the best scenes in cinema history. Also it needs to be synced up to My Boo by Ghost Town Dj’s!

I’m not sure which is funnier -the dance or the horrified look on Caleb/Domhnall Gleeson’s face. It works so well here.

Well, that’s it - all of my concerns about the future are settled, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE JUST FINE. Bravo, young man!

This is so fucking stupid and I love it. The asininity of youth has finally won me over.