
The anti-choice (or to use the term I prefer, pro-forced-birth) movement, or at least a significant number of its adherents, is well aware that its rhetoric inspires unbalanced nutjobs to commit murder.

Some people are going to rage about this, but this is kind of a point that needs to be made. All this overheated anti-abortion rhetoric absolutely has the potential to inspire unbalanced nutjobs like Dear. The anti-choice movement needs to stop behaving like it doesn’t, and that it isn’t responsible for what happens.

So, basically, we need to find the monster who produced this fan art and stop them before they strike again. Gotcha.

Man, I think it’s BS giving yourself a hard time about this... It’s not like people were trying to fool you and you fell for it. Also, these experts could also be wrong... Maybe even embarrassed that a kid had an original idea that they never had. In any case, this is really Canada’s fault. Screw them and their

Appropriation and misrepresentation in the media is part of why a lot on non Natives think we all wear buckskin, speak broken English, and wear headdresses, rather than being 566+ distinct nations and cultures.

“oh I take no issue with your differing opinion. But trying to appoint yourself as some kind of voice for Indian Country? That I find ridiculous.”

You should, because to think they have any reason to feel bad is idiotic. You know what doesn’t help Native American culture? Pretending it doesn’t exist. You know what NOT using any Native names or imagery does? Pretends we don’t exist.

Wouldn’t using these names actually mean that we’re acknowledging the importance of Native Americans - that the magical culture of America never tried to erase them but instead actually lifted them up?

Native American here. These names are ok.

You’d be surprised at the amount of people who ignore that. Now there’s a shiny new banner to distract them, and make them look even more foolish if they complain in the comments!

But she knew the character, not the woman. Didn’t know her soul or what her favorite emojis are. For all Kristen knew, she turned herself into vapor at the end of filming each day. Where’s the personal connection? She didn’t know know her, you know?

I think - and I could be mistaken - that the author is saying that having people talk shit because you slept with a married dude is not on the same plane as the decades of allegations brought against Allen if we’re comparing how rumors can mess up your life, not to mention how we would view those individual “sins.”

I guess it made it easy for her to fuck her married director because Kristen didn’t know his wife. She was just some amorphous concept and no one that Kristen had to concern herself with.

I think this is more good ole-fashioned egocentricity and self-centered behavior. I'm curious as to whether she actually spoke to Jesse or not. It's impossible to tell really but his quote kinda makes it seem like the conversation never happened but he didn't want to call her out. But I'm admittedly reading into it.

I thought he had a translucent holgrammy phone. When I saw the movie last night, it looked like the phone was just a rectangular ring of material with a see-through middle bit.

... or sulking because Falcon wouldn’t move the damned seat up.

Because “Space” is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.

Derek Jacobi had the best response to being asked if he goes method - “No darling, I act”.

I don’t want bacon with my pancakes

I take issue with this metaphor mainly because why would you even eat pancakes without bacon?