
But you did turn out to be someone who uses the word "douchecanoe", which ain't that great either.

"By day I was this sort of mild mannered kid who nobody really saw. And by night I was listening to Charlie Parker and John Coltrane and Freddie King and Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton,"

It is relatively common for musicians who deal with people who try to get them to work without payment to spread the word about it. It's not childish it is sticking up for your rights as professionals, and informing your fellow performers so they don't waste their time.

In der Schweiz. -.-

Team plant because roommates have made up allergies to every pet I have proposed, not excluding: hedgehog, hamster, bunny, ferret (I hear the ban is being lifted) and of course, cat and dog.

Plant family is an ever purchased, every dying, rotating clan of needy carbon sinks. But I love them. Team plant forever.

"Team plant."

Team plant here: does this not seem like an equitable distribution of warmth and cuddles?

I do wonder how people think I'm getting these, you know?

My favorite thing about this series: clearly current or recent members of sororities are sending this stuff to Jez. Therefore, there must be people on the inside, who have enough love for their chapter to join and pay dues - but who can recognize when ridiculous ish is going down. Butthurt commenters, remember that's not okay to point and laugh at other peoples' bodies. I'm the last person in the world to be all "what about the men!1!!1!" and I generally have close to zero sympathy for penis anxiety, but the way people are reacting to this is fucking gross and really, really surprising for Jezebel. There are

i'm not a fashion plate, i don't express myself through clothes, so to me, clothes are to 1) keep you warm and 2) hide your junk. these garments appear to fail at fully half the job of clothes.

This hits me so close to home right now. I always hate working on tight deadlines that aren't padded a bit because there are always things that get missed or overlooked and in the end going back to fix it costs you more time in the end. Some days I find that I don't even have time to sit and think about what I am

Oh, please. Like all the unwillingly single women with mental illnesses - especially women over a certain age - have it soooooo much easier just because they're women. If that's what you genuinely believe then you have a massive willful blind spot.

While the married/not married dichotomy means that folks who cohabit or cannot get married are not represented, I think the change in the numbers over time is a valid representation of behavioral change.

That drives me bugfuck insane, and I am so grateful I've never been subjected to it.

You know what I don't get? I know SO many men who are lonely and SO many women who are lonely! But everyone is too damn scared to actually meet people and too jaded to be real with one another. Technology doesn't help the problem with. *sigh* it just makes me sad to see so many young people in the prime of their lives

I'm not a man.

I'd be interested to see how the numbers change if you include the option "single but cohabiting with a partner." I will grant you marriage is a whole different-if-related kettle of fish, but looking around me, I see very few truly single people (as in, either not seeing someone seriously or not living with someone)

Gotta get me one of them Nike+ things and do a li'l bit of Dick Prancercise.